Whole Group Argumentative Essay

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Monday Planning Writing Whole Group: Review the planning sheet. Discuss how students are going to start a new story about their Easter or weekend plans. Talk about going through a t-chart, and orally recording their own story. Small Group: Have students start planning by drawing out their plan and then have the students orally share their story. Then they will orally share their story on a T-chart. Once they share their stories have the students get out their iPads and open Seesaw. Once on Seesaw have students add a photo of their drawing/planning sheet. Once they take a photo they can orally record their story. Students can listen to this recording tomorrow or the next day. Need: Planning sheet, iPads, Seesaw, green and purple paper, white boards, T-charts Tuesday Beginning Sentence Whole Group: Discuss …show more content…

Talk about stretching the word out and making sure every sound is heard. Small Group: Students will continue with their story, and if they have forgotten what their story is about have them use Seesaw to listen to their story. Students will continue to write their stories and focusing on stretching their stories. Emphasis that words need to be stretched. Need: Planning sheet, iPads, Seesaw, variety of different books green and purple paper Thursday Finger Spaces Whole Group: Read a poem that is mushed together and talk about how hard it is to read. Finger spaces make it easier for the reader to read. Small Group: Students will continue to write their stories and as students have finger spaces in their words you can give them a space stamp in between their words. If students finish early they can add a cover page. Need: Green and purple paper, stamps, and space man stamp Friday Reread/Add

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