Why I Deserve A Scholarship Essay

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Why me? Well, I know a large sum of information about technology. Need a website? Done in 24 hours or less. New computer? Send me parts or your budget and I will make it work. Having issues and need a rope to sanity? I’m your guy. I can do anything that I need to do, and if there’s protocol or information I don’t know, it’s always a good idea to start throwing things at Google, and testing possible methods. Information Technology can be a very guess oriented field. This is why my skills in problem solving and working well under pressure are very beneficial to efforts placed here. It’s a hobby I currently have, and I enjoy it. I spend countless hours currently writing code, playing around with computer parts, or building websites. …show more content…

It makes my already unmatched potential for finding a job even easier that before. Most places will hire an employee on the spot if they are certified. The industry that I’ve chosen for my career is booming, and ever-expanding. The life expectancy for Information Technology stretches as long as humans or anything uses technology. I have mentioned this to many people before, and it fits yet again; “The only way our field is in danger is if technology can maintain itself. If that becomes an issue however, we have a much bigger problem than just a lack of jobs.” Information Technology is not a career that someone can just pick up and do, leave, come back and be ready to go again. The industry changes and advances with every blink of an eye. As long as one stays current on their knowledge, it should be no struggle for myself. It’s a career that one has to love to do; not something you can stub a toe on after graduating high school. It is a lifestyle, not a career. These dedications to Information Technology is why I believe I am qualified for scholarship funds to further my