
Why I Want To Be A Key Club Essay

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Joining Key Club this year has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my high school career. The summer before senior year, I started volunteering at Chelsea Public Library with the intention of joining Key Club when the school year started. With 18 hours of community service under my belt I was determined to complete my 100 hours of community service by the end of senior year. Most members have three to four years to complete these hours, and as a senior, I was trying to accomplish what most would think impossible. The skills I have learned from Key Club will carry me throughout life and will help me aid others in the future. This organization has taught me time management, communication skills, and more reasons to love my community. …show more content…

I tried my best to volunteer at least once a week at the library and thankfully Mrs. Blair makes it easy to find volunteer opportunities through our school like helping with concessions or participating in Key Club donation drives. I was so determined to hit 100 hours that most nights I would stay after show choir practice to grab an extra two to three hours at the concessions. Consequently, balancing practice, school, my job, and volunteering all while trying to get myself ready for college felt like a lot on my plate. Nevertheless, I tasted a sweet victory when I set my mind to my goal and completed my 100 hours. I proved to myself that I can successfully schedule time out of my day to serve others in my community and I have more resilience and confidence than ever before.
Key Club has taught me that communication is key. While working in the concessions at school, there were many times when I had to work with new people; some of those being students or a new set of parents. By working with unfamiliar people, I had to communicate with them by showing them how to use the popcorn machine, how to use the card reader, and how to take orders. This led to new friendships and a stronger work ethic as gained the experience of working with my neighbors in the community through suriving those who came to the …show more content…

I have lived in Chelsea all my life and I have never been so involved with those around me until this year. Volunteering at the library has brought me peace many days just through shelving, cleaning, and helping kids find books. Volunteering at concessions has taught me patience, shown me our school’s spirit, and I also mastered the art of making popcorn. Serving the community at Pancake Day opened my eyes to the togetherness and unity within our community and I also learned that when the batter starts to bubble it’s time to flip the pancake. I loved serving my community so much, that I decided to spread joy to a neighboring community where I grew up going to school: Vincent. There I decorated the lunchroom with balloons, lights, and tinsel for the Christmas holidays to bring magic to this community that sadly, doesn’t have the opportunities our city provides. Through Key Club, I have gained a passion for serving others and have gained an appreciation for all of those in our community who serve without

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