
Why I Want To Be A Presidential Scholar

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To be a Presidential Scholar, is to be someone striving towards achievement, bounding at the given opportunity to learn, and grow. It is someone who is determined to accomplish the dream they have set before themselves, wherever that path may take them, whether it be on rough terrain, or on an asphalt pavement. No matter how hard it may be to get there, a Presidential scholar is a person who has earned their spot to a successful career, they have gone through much technical education, has exceptional ability, and a distinct accomplishment in the desired career they have chosen. I believe I am a Presidential Scholar, I am that someone who is striving towards achievement, who is bounding at the opportunity to learn, who is determined to achieve the dream I have put before myself. …show more content…

I trust that I have had some proper training to go into the nursing field. I have taken multiple classes which have given me an advantage towards this career, I have taken Medical Terminology, Intro to Health Science, First Responder, Psychology 1010 from USU, Family Consumer and Human Development 1500 also from USU, I am also currently taking Nursing 1000 from Snow College along with a Certified Nursing Assistant class, parts both one and two to become a Certified Nursing Assistant once I graduate high school. I know these classes have benefited me, to help me progress towards my future in the nursing field. Above all others in my technical field, I deserve this recognition because, I have worked towards my future, I have planned a head, I have gotten some education under by belt, that is why I deserve this

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