Why I Want To Work In This Field Essay

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“Why do you want to work in this field”
I want to work in this field because as a child, I felt that I was cheated out of a proper education; being coddled I feel that it is my duty to prepare the student for a lifetime of success through a well structured, fun, and friendly environment Through this environment, I hope that with my hard work and the hard work of my colleagues the younger generation of tomorrow will have a pleasurable learning experience and think school is a fun place to be!

Teacher qualities and responsibilities
As an educator, one must be friendly, be a people person, well-educated keen at listening and keep the little ones safe at all times. But what does this really mean? In reality, who would want to have a teacher that is cold, unapproachable, and does not make you feel safe and to top it off, does not have a clue in how to properly educate a child not knowing DAP (Developing appropriate practices) and how the child’s mind absorbs so much information the teacher is their role model. Being a teacher requires them to be friendly, well educated facilitate a suitable environment without these traits and …show more content…

Self-regulation comes easy to us adults but not so much for young children. By definition self -regulation is the process of controlling ones emotions for example a grown adult can resolve a conflict through talking it through. Alone a child cannot achieve this; through the guidance of a teacher, this is plausible. Another example of guiding behavior is something called prosocial behavior. Prosocial behavior is the action of helping others without the expectation of gaining a reward this teaches the child to do something nice for another child or teacher and reduces the possibility of a conflict