Why Is It Important To Read Book 13 Reasons Why?

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Why do you feel it is necessary to rob us of knowledge by taking away our fiction books? The use of fiction is more important than people think. Novels have hidden messages within each book. By looking at this hidden message, students help build critical thinking and logic skills. Students can also expand their knowledge by reading novels and observing the vocabulary in the book. Plus schools always tell students that they will teach them skills that will help now and after the student gets out of school. Fiction will help with that. By giving us a “situation” or “hidden message” students can learn to live life carefully. For example, if a student is reading 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher, that student will learn to be more considerate to others, not just in school but in the real world too. …show more content…

Fiction gives students these skills. In a non-fiction book it will tell you stuff like, “Then Johnny lost the race because his knee was hurting from earlier when he tripped over the branch because he got scared by the squirrel.” It will straight up tell you that a squirrel scared him, made him trip over a branch, and he fell on his knee which is what causes him to lose the race later. A fiction book will tell you, “Then Johnny lost the race because his knee was throbbing with pain.” By reading this you remember that earlier in the book a squirrel made him trip. It lets the student think for themselves instead of just being told what’s what. Without those skills that fiction taught him if someone comes up and says, “Adolf Hitler and MLK JR. have the same views.” that kid will think Hitler and MLK JR. are the same and he won’t be able to think for himself, “No, MLK JR. was for peace and Adolf Hitler was for