Why Is Standardized Testing Necessary

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Have you ever worked really hard on something, only to find out that all of your work was not necessary? Well, we can all say this happened to us, at least, one time in life and most of the time it is caused by the deadly two words we all hate to hear: Standardized Tests. Standardized tests are a common and popular way to measure the academic achievements of students, teachers, and school districts. Since I’ve been in school, it’s always about standardized testing. Standardized testing is not beneficial; because, they measure the intelligence on a student, causes anxiety and they also take time away from subjects that are not being tested on.
To begin with, standardized testing measure the intelligence on a student. Every student desires to go to a college of their choice, however, standardized testing can confine this. Colleges look at our grades, community service, athletics and etc. But they also look at our standardized test scores. Students can have the best grades but if their scores on your standardized testing don't look good, this can probably put a hold on their future. As stated in “Standardized Testing Damages Education”, the author stated that “standardized testing offers just a small piece of the picture”. This just goes to say to justify …show more content…

Standardized testing causes our teachers and parents to disquietude. Anxiety puts pressure on the students which cause them top overthink which can lead to them failing the test. The following quote stated by education.com says, “Increased pressures is put on the students and teachers and administrators feel enormous pressure to ensure that scores constantly rise”. Anxiety is not good for our students, teachers and administrators just because of a “little test”. Anxiety is not just something you can “brush off your shoulders”, it is actually a serious mental illness. This “little test” shouldn’t be doing this much to our students, administrators, and/or