Why Should Standardized Testing Be Banned

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Although some people believe that Standardized Test are a good thing others disagree as this keeps their kids or students from performing well due to stress and fear.
Students who aren't good test takers but have good grades could fail Standardized Tests and not be able to go to the colleges of their choice.
This reason is the exact reason why Standardized Tests should be banned; straight A students who have high hopes of going to good colleges could be doing great in a class but when they go take the ACT and or SAT, could fail and cost them money and dreams.
Colleges look at your SAT and ACT in order to justify whether or not you’re eligible for their college based on performance and GPA. Standardized Test can hinder a student's performance …show more content…

Too much stress is bad; students with too much stress can perform poorly on test and the grades they get won't reflect who they are as a student.
Inflicting too much stress on a student can also cause depression and anxiety, this can be a very bad mixture of emotions for any human being. Too much stress can cause the brain to overthink simple problems and complicate things way more than they need to be. Standardized Test can harm teachers by affecting their reputation because students don't pass the test.
Teachers all over the country have told their bosses that they do not like teaching anymore because they’re being forced to teach stuff that is irrelevant to what their job description says. Teachers shouldn't be forced to teach another subject than they studied for and or applied for this causes stress for the teachers which can harm them mentally and physically.
Use former President: Barack Obama as an example of too much stress, look at a picture of Obama when he first entered office, then look at a picture after he left office, big difference in the two pictures right? Exactly! Too much stress is unhealthy physically and mentally.
These tests make or break some students entire academic