Standardized Testing Persuasive Essay

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According to a study done by Large amounts of Standardized tests are not beneficial to students.
Ordinarily, Standardized tests can cause Students stress. Students work their brains down and then don’t want to go to school. When students come to school on test days not looking so energized, and confident, it reasonable to say that something is wrong. Students need to find a way with coping with this stress, so in some areas of Florida some students have started to take Xanax to relax themselves. When would these kids need to take something to relax themselves just because of a few tests. What could happen to students because of what they are taking? Not everyone knows what is in the everyday things we eat, and if these students are taking something that they don’t take on a regular basis to relieve stress, there is no telling what could happen to them. …show more content…

After interviewing parents of students who take these and them having taken the tests themselves said “I think that these tests are good for some students but other students need a different way of being taught so giving everyone the same test is not that beneficial for students doing well.” When students are taught to a test they don’t remember the text or content of what they are learning as well because they are only focused on how they will do on that test.
Furthermore, Standardized test are not a good measure of student achievement and performance. A study done in 2001 shows that 50-80% of test scores were temporary. Temporary meaning that the things that a child learned are not going to stay with them. Students may do well on a test that happened just happened but might have a hard time remembering that same content when asked about it at a later date. Isn't the whole reason for going to school to learn, so what is the point of going if someone is not going to remember what they learned a few weeks