
Why School Should Start Later For Teens Essay

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Elizabeta Nrecaj
Ted talk essay

The TED topic I chose is called “Why School Should Start Later for Teens” by Wendy Troxel. Before picking the talk I had a strong argument towards schools starting way too early. I went to a school that my first period was 7 am and it was so hard to focus in my first few classes because I was so tired. When I found this talk I was surprised and happy that someone else feels the same way that I do and is supporting the argument. Troxel is qualified to talk about this topic because she has children of her own and she knows the pain of waking up early. By having her own children she would know what it takes to wake up a teen early, its not easy. The audience Troxel is talking to is students, parents and schools. …show more content…

Like she said toward the middle of her talk "Why should we delay start times for teenagers? We need to toughen them up so they're ready for the real world!” But that's like saying to the parent of a two-year-old, "Don't let Johnny nap, or he won't be ready for kindergarten" (Troxel, 8:09). What Wendy is basically saying is that you cannot get a child without giving them the sleep they need. A person needs 8 hours of sleep to be able to properly function the whole day. She researched on how children do when they start early and the ones that start later and the research proved that “school abuses dropped 25%” (Troxel, 6:36). Its not only good for the kids but for the parents too because by the time the kids get out of school so do the parents. Yes, there will be an issue with pushing back the bus timing schedule but in the end of the day it will impact many students and parents. Also there wont be as much children after school waiting for their parents to come pick them up or parents rushing to pick up their children. I strongly agree with what the presenter is saying because I went threw it and I hated it. It was extremely hard to focus and stay away in

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