Why Should The State Increase Funding For Higher Education?

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Graduating from high school is the biggest achievement for teenager’s around the world, yet more importantly it is the stepping stone for the rest of their lives. After the bliss of the ending of senior year for most high school graduates, comes prep for college. One of the easiest or hardest times for students come freshman year: college edition. It all correlates to funding for higher education. Increasing or decreasing funding for higher education has been debated for many years. Should the state increase or decrease the amount of revenue given to the colleges? There are many risks and benefits to both students and the state when it comes to the debate. There are many benefits for the state to increase funds for higher education. One of these benefits is that the state would increase the amount of revenue that they get through taxpayer’s dollars. The main goal for both sides is to get students a good education to receive the qualifications needed …show more content…

The states may end up having better educated employees with a higher education for increasing funds, but the total revenue would be coming back to them at a slower rate. More students would attend college and get a degree, but as a risk their tuition may not be lowered and are still not able to afford going to school. They could even decrease loans and the states would be able to divide the money to go to other necessities like roads and infrastructure, but at the same time, it can reduce the quality of education. For students, their degrees would be more valuable since it is harder to earn and afford it. Meanwhile, some students couldn’t attend school at all since they couldn’t afford it without a little more funding from the state. Either lowering or increasing funding, has pros and cons to this long-lasting debate and in the end, it all coils down to how hard you want to earn your college