
Why Was Segregation Wrong

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Ever feel like something or someone is unfair to you? Well guess how African Americans felt almost 130 years ago. Whites thought that they were being “equal” to African Americans but if you look at the past, you can clearly see many differences that made African Americans far from equality to whites, this was segregation. Segregation is wrong because white people seem to be favored over blacks, are also treated poorly from whites, and deserve more then what has been given to them.
To begin with, the whites seemed to violate the 14th Amendment which ensured equal protection under the law for all citizens. Going back to about 1892, Homer Plessy’s case made it through the Louisiana court system but of course Louisiana tried to get around it, …show more content…

After the Supreme Court gave the okay on segregation, Jim Crow laws spread throughout the United States, some places worse than others and separated them from equality even more. Due to the Jim Crow laws blacks were more isolated than ever, “Public schools for black children received less funding, less maintenance, and less teacher training...colored bathrooms were poorly constructed and rarely cleaned”(Source 1, par. 8). Since the new laws came to light, blacks have been treated as if alien. Pro-segrationers also played a major part in this as well which is most likely why there was poor construction, supplies, and just everything in general for blacks. During September of 1957, nine black students were to attend an all-white school which was agreed to by the school board years before. With Superintendent Virgil Blossom proposing the plan in the first place the day had finally came, “The School Board voted unanimously in favor of this plan, but when the 1957 school year began, the community still raged over integration”(Source 2, par.2). In the hope that whites would be open to the idea of some new colored students, they treated them with disrespect and raged constantly. Many segregationists had threatened the students and to hold protest against them, also by physically blocking the students from entering inside the high school. For the next few months, the students were …show more content…

People were happier than others of course and the whites liked it like that. They had tried to make the blacks outcast because of color and when the state of Louisiana was taken to court by Homer Plessy, they argued that conditions were equal. As said before, they continued to say that the law did not apply to them and that it was okay, “The 14th Amendment only applied to nationwide laws”(Source 1, par. 2). Although some things that the blacks had were of the same quality to what whites had, that wasn’t always the case. Buildings were poorly built, schools got second-handed stuff, stuff was rarely ever as clean as whites stuff but. This may be “equal” to whites but is this really equal? No it isn’t, and African Americans clearly do not deserve these types of conditions to be in at all times. Note that they said “separate, but equal” this is only separating them from society and no one truly deserves

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