Why We Should Abortion Be Legal

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In the United States, about half of all pregnancies are unintended. Of all unintended pregnancies, four in ten are aborted. There are approximately 1.21 million abortions in America each year. Abortion is one of the most biggest topics debated today, But should abortion be legal or illegal? Abortion should not be legal because unborn baby does not feel pain, Women have the right to do what they want with their body, It is her natural right, Banning abortions risk illegal abortions, Abortion gives women the option to minimize their child’s suffering. Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus.
Yes, abortion should be illegal for numerous reasons. The primary reason is because abortion offends God, God said we are not to murder. It is never just a person choice but a grave offense against God and his creation. It is a sin that …show more content…

Inherent rights are by nature, natural and unquestionable, and should be left open. Whether a person is responsible or irresponsible for their actions does not change the fact that they have the freedom to choose and act however. Why then should we restrict a woman’s right to choose to abort her pregnancy when it is the same as her right to choose what school to go to, what career to pursue, or what opinions to voice? It is her natural right.
Banning abortions risk illegal abortions. Statistics shows that an estimated 49% of pregnancies in the United States are unintended. Of those 49% of pregnancies that are unintended, the percentage that is unwanted will be looking for ways to terminate the pregnancy. Before people started finding out about the procedure it was predominately done my medical professionals. Until, people started performing underground abortions using all sorts of methods to terminate the fetus. For example: coat hangers, kitting needles, or punching the stomach. Which are highly