Workplace Learning Theory

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Workplace learning can be define in two kind of perspectives. Which is the individual perspectives and workplace perspectives (Matthews, 1999). Organization supply learning opportunity to individuals learn from diiferent type of work expereinces, the individulas are in the process developing the skillss and knowleged.
Workplace learning is characterized as development activities and informal educational efforts that happen in the organization that can help it establish a learning culture (Raelin, 2000).workplace learning is not only happened to individuals, as well as the groups function to interpret, acquire, reorganize, and change which is related to the information, skills, and feelings about the works. The workplace learning function as …show more content…

This theory asserts that leaning always occur in the ongoing between human social interaction and experiences. This theory explains how the knowledge is socially constructed with practices and active process. Social learning occurs when the situation of common interest exist in the group of people. Participation in the group practices can created informal network where the sharing information will happened. This is because, the social learning involve with three elements, which is engagement, imagination, and alignment. When a individuals participated in the group practices, the engagement with others and the environment that creates. For imagination elements, the learner will construct image of themselves, and about the practices environment for the purpose of reflect and explore social engagement. For the alignment part is a mutual social process of lining up perspectives and interpretations for better social good. Social learning theory is a potentially useful framework for this study becausethea professional qualification personalalways need to develop professionalcompetence within the social and political aspect of their work. Workplace engagement practice may be more beneficial to the career development of who are professionally qualified thannetworking alone in the organization because of the building specific areas of expertise, includingdeveloping …show more content…

Workplace learningis the aspect that can benefit employers and individuals because of the contribution to the portable skills and competences (Duchemin and Hawley, 2010). Such achievements the individuals should entail documentation as recognition like certificates awarded by the employer. It can help the individualsto bargain themselves with the