Write An Essay About My Writing Process

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I realized early on that it became easier for my peers to organize their thoughts and ideas on paper. Often, I would be stuck on the first sentence of my assignment; each word I typed needed to be perfect and unalterable. For the longest time, I believed I wasn’t an adequate writer because it took me so much more effort to plan out my pieces of work. This wasn’t until I realized the power of making connections between ideas and including personal touch while brainstorming. Participating in informal writing allows your essay to be more engaging and memorable. Many would agree that this step is the most crucial when beginning your writing process. Recently while participating in scholarship opportunities, I wanted to create an essay that helped my audience truly understand who I was and what my personality had to offer. Through informal writing practices, I was successfully able to be engaging yet professional. …show more content…

Short sentences, exclamation marks, and questions taught me to write more passionately. I find that I am more successful when I include everyday terms and expressions. I can create more connections with my audience by effectively writing in my own words. Additionally, I found it important to keep my sentences short and sweet when planning out my scholarship essays. Although I wanted to include detailed stories and backgrounds concerning my personal experiences, I knew it would be more beneficial to break my writing up into smaller pieces. I wanted to maintain my reader’s interest by making my complex thoughts into chunks at a time; this method helped my personality stand out in my text. Furthermore, not making your writing difficult to follow gives your writing a nice flow, just like a smooth