Essay On My Writing Process

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Every writing class before this, my teacher would just tell me to write with just a topic. If they were teaching something else, well then they would only grade on the facts I presented instead of the quality of my writing. Then I arrived in this class, and the five steps of writing were taught to us. My writing improved this term because finally, the logic behind the writing process was explained to me.
The first step was always to be the prewriting in this class. This was writing down ideas in any form, from bubbles to listing, to freewriting. The requirement of four pages was hard to manage in the beginning. I just wanted to write the essay, and not any more than that. As I got more comfortable with forcing myself to write out that many pages to get my ideas out, it became a habit in other classes as well. Before this, my writing lacked a clear focus or …show more content…

Before, I would never associate those two things together. It was either that I was assigned to write a thesis and then set loose for the rest of the paper, or I would get a topic and try to make an outline on what I wanted to write. Creating both a thesis and an outline helps me now build a solid structure for my essays. A structure that doesn’t deflate on me as I uselessly try to pump words into it.
After that would finally come the drafting, the body was to come first and then the introduction and conclusion. Before I would probably attempt this head on without assessing anything. Writing the sections in this order allowed the essay to be neatly tied on both ends. Without this, my writing tended to trail on at the end.
Just when the bulk of the work was done would come revising. I never thought about this as a separate step from editing before. As a separate step, I now organize the ideas that I wrote in a more concise way. Previously without this crucial part, my essays were increasingly disorganized, and hard to