Xbox One Essay

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Issues with the strategy of launch of the XBOX One
Compulsory Internet Connectivity
The compulsory internet connectivity was a major flaw in their strategy as that would alienate most of the users that do not have an internet connection. The internet penetration of the world is very low. Also, one of the major markets in the world is the army who does use consoles and there is no shot of there being internet connection in those areas. That is a major negative for the company
DRM Issue
The other problem was that there was a DRM issue where you cannot buy used games or you could not borrow games from a friend. This was not only taking as a maximizing money scheme but also a controlling scheme. The people who are closely associated …show more content…

As a lot of the computing power was taking in the peripheral tasks and the Kinect, Xbox had to cut short on the actual gaming computing power.

Great Counter Strategy by Sony

No Internet Connection Required
The PS4 did not need an internet connection to be on always to be playing on the console. In fact there was no compulsion for it to be on within a specified period of time either No DRM issue
There was no issue when it came to used games. Sony gave the customers the full freedom to be able to share games and buy used games which is also a huge market

No additional compulsory components
There were no additional compulsory components required to run the console. However it did have an addition Playstation Eye camera which had similar functionality to that of the Kinect but it wasn’t a compulsory addition.
Emphasis on Gaming and Gamers
Sony emphasized on the gaming aspect of the console as it was a gaming console. It concentrated on the core gamers and made sure that the product was more in sync with what those consumers would want or expect from the product
The price was also $100 less than the competitor. It was a great motivation for people to switch brand loyalties to the Playstation from