Youth Sports Research Paper

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In today's society, sports has become a very popular leisure activity and a means of effective physical movement for many young children across the United States. The evidence, publications, and, data on youth sports, has shown and proved the positive effects of children's participation in sports: benefits that ranged from real world applications to personal characteristics. The structure of youth sports aid students in learning the importance of life skills such as teamwork; the development of` a strong sense of morality; and an understanding and appreciation of diversity. Parents are also given the blessing and comfort of their children being statistically least likely to engage in deviant behavior and becoming academically more proficient. Despite the various benefits that children experience through playing sports, there still remains a high amount of students mainly minority students who are unable to participate in sports. Individuals …show more content…

Children and young people in particular need to do sport so that they develop good habits that they can continue into adulthood. This paper will focus on the importance of sports among America's low income families more specifically the importance for Black households and the gender and racial stereotypes that follow students from Black households. Research has shown that individuals who come from low income communities especially those from Black households are least likely to engage in non-school sponsored sports due to the financial responsibility that follows youth sports. Even those individuals who are able to engage in school sports statistically speaking Black athletes are expected and more likely to enroll in basketball or football narrowing their sport options to only two