El Salvador Essays

  • El Salvador Essay

    1449 Words  | 6 Pages

    El Salvador is a small country that has a unique array of geographical features, and its tourism industry is an important part of its economy. In this essay, we will explore the unique geography of El Salvador, examine the impact of tourism on the economy, and evaluate the benefits and challenges of tourism in El Salvador. By understanding the country’s geography and the consequences of its tourism industry, we can gain insight into the country’s history, economic development, and current state.

  • Informative Speech On El Salvador

    580 Words  | 3 Pages

    many Latin American countries in the world but no country as small as El Salvador has done so much to impact the world. B. Topic Revelation: Today I will be highlighting some major contributions that El Salvador has contributed to the United States and the world. C. Relevance Statement/Why are we listening: There are 2.3 million Latinos of Salvadoran origin in the United States, the highest population outside of El Salvador. Across the world there are another 157,000 Salvadorans across 13 European

  • Civil War In El Salvador

    1447 Words  | 6 Pages

    El Salvador is a country in Central America, a region of that connects Mexico to the South American continent. With a land mass of about 13,000 square miles, the country is considered to be one of the geographically smallest inhabiting the Americas (Arsdale 88), and holds a population of around 6.5 million (Martínez). In 1980, El Salvador was not on the list of top 25 sending countries to the United States. Just 20 years later, the country would be number 8 on that same list. From 1970 to 2000, the

  • Culture And Geography Of El Salvador

    464 Words  | 2 Pages

    El Salvador is a small Central American country known for its natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and tumultuous history. Culture and geography intersect in many ways in El Salvador, shaping the way people live, work, and interact. In this essay, we will explore the unique culture and geography of El Salvador and how they intersect to create a complex and diverse society. Geographically, El Salvador is located in the heart of Central America and is the smallest country in the region. The country

  • Personal Narrative: My Life In El Salvador

    701 Words  | 3 Pages

    States. I have experienced a completely new aspect of life outside of an American life into a third world country. Being able to stay there for half of the summer each year as taught me valuable characteristics. The culture experience I had in El Salvador has made me a humble individual, who has become more generous and a thankful person. As I take a step back and analyze my first year in a third world country, I do not regret one bit because it has made me humble. I do not need to have every brand

  • Civil War In El Salvador Case Study

    1048 Words  | 5 Pages

    of my last paper about the Civil War in El Salvador, in which I depicted overall political, social issues and influence of communism and the US support to the government forces, and is about one of the most violent gang called Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). During my study of MS-13, I tried to use not only material acquired in internet and books but also from my colleagues form Air Command and Staff College originated from ‘Northern triangle’, which is Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Hence, part of

  • What Did The Public Think About Oscar Romero

    747 Words  | 3 Pages

    Romero born? Oscar Romero in El Salvador on August 15, 1917. 2. When was he appointed Archbishop? He was appointed Archbishop on February 3, 1977. 3. What was going on in the country when Oscar Romero became Archbishop? Capitalism was an issue when he became Archbishop. Many people’s rights were taken away. The poor were victims of the repression. Innocent civilians were shot dead by the UN soldiers. There were also a lot of conflicts with the Catholic Church and the El Salvador government. 4. What did

  • Essay On El Salvador

    1096 Words  | 5 Pages

    Have you ever wondered why El Salvador is known as the land of volcanoes or why it's the only country in Central America that doesn’t have a coastline on the Caribbean Sea.Well El Salvador is known as the Land of Volcanoes because,it’s frequent earthquakes and volcanic activities.Have you ever wondered why it's the only country in Central America that doesn't have a coastline on the Caribbean Sea it’s because,half of all Salvadorans live in the countryside.El Salvador is the most densely populated

  • Personal Narrative: A Sense Of Cultural Identity

    1699 Words  | 7 Pages

    without expressing one of my loves in life, soccer. Soccer back in El Salvador (and most of Latin America) is like football in the U.S,many play it, even more watch it. My family is part of the group of soccer fans who only watch big tournaments such as the Fifa world cup: I think it 's mostly because we don 't have much time for it outside of those tournaments. My father only ever played it when he was young back in El Salvador, but just casually, but he thought it would be a good idea to put my

  • Why Is Oscar Romero Important

    749 Words  | 3 Pages

    Archbishop Oscar Romero is a significant person in the history of El Salvador and the Roman Catholic Church. We all know him for his tremendous generosity for the poor and standing up for what he believed in. Oscar spoke about peace and right for the poor and that is why he doesn't go unnoticed. Oscar began his work when he had his epiphany, which changed everything in his life. In the end of his life, Oscar passed away as a martyr as he was shot while presiding over a Mass. We should all take him

  • Crime In El Salvador

    765 Words  | 4 Pages

    On this project 2, I will be talking about targeting the young: Gangs of El Salvador (part 4). Danny Gold from VICE news investigated on how El Salvador teenagers are often at risk from violence. El Salvador’s murder rate has increased over the past year and all because gangs are targeting young people. Gold interviewed Mauricio Garcia a 15-year-old boy and an ambulance volunteer. Mauricio and other volunteers deal with people who have been wounded or gun-shot, or who have been fighting. They risk

  • Education In El Salvador

    959 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Political Constitution of 1983, states that El Salvador is a country with a pluralist political system that is expressed through its political parties, which are the only instruments for the representation of the people. For political administration, the territory is divided into departments, and in each of them there is a governor chosen by the executive branch; these officials perform administrative tasks whose main function is to serve as a liaison between the Presidency and the local governments

  • Summary Of The Massacre At El Mozote By Mark Danner

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    The Massacre at El Mozote by Mark Danner summarizes one out of numerous mass executions that occurred during the Salvadoran Civil War. This particular book discusses the Massacre at El Mozote in 1981 led by the Atlacatl Battalion. This rapid response counter insurgency battalion was trained at the U.S. Army’s School of the Americas once located in Panama. Danner’s book highlights the Reagan administration’s response when photographs of the multitude of victims killed in this massacre were published

  • Oscar Romero Impact On Society

    975 Words  | 4 Pages

    Oscar Romero, who lived during the El Salvador civil war, made a great impact on the world by demonstrating the importance of remaining true to morals and values even when faced with opposition as shown through his work with the poor, his non-violent teachings, and the respect that he gained from so many people after his death. One way that Oscar Romero stayed true to his morals and values was his effort helping the poor and the helpless people in El Salvador. Romero wanted to help anyone and everyone

  • El Salvador Exodus

    974 Words  | 4 Pages

    In El Salvador during the 1970’s the campesinos, the indigent class, were treated as second class citizens by the military and elite classes. To find salivation these people flocked to the Catholic Church for wisdom, love, and protection. To comfort their parish the priests of El Salvador often preached to the people that God wanted them to endure suffering for an eternal reward. However, after continuous violence by the military, priests such as Fr. Rutilio grande and others began to preach a new

  • Bystanders In El Salvador

    797 Words  | 4 Pages

    A person who witnesses an incident but does not do anything is called a bystander. You can look at a bystander as someone who watches everything past through without involving themselves to do anything. During the genocide of El Salvador also known as

  • El Salvador Compare And Contrast

    264 Words  | 2 Pages

    What do El Salvador, Miami, and Los Angeles all have in common? They all have Spanish history that mixes in with their history. All though Miami and Los Angeles are both in the United States and far away from El Salvador, they have Spanish speaking residence within their areas. Each of the locations have their own form of culture that is not like each other. El Salvador was named by the Spanish conquistadors, which translates to “The Savior” in English ("El Salvador."). It is between Guatemala and

  • El Salvador: My Life

    948 Words  | 4 Pages

    Fortunate, is what I call myself because I have a better life than most of my extended family. I was born and raised in El Salvador up until the age of six. When my parents decided that my brother and I would have a better future here in the United States. My parents left everything behind in El Salvador to give my siblings and I a better opportunity in education and life itself. Though my parents had to leave most of their family behind to provide for us, they have done it without second-guessing

  • Guerrillas Louis Kruijt Summary

    1105 Words  | 5 Pages

    The book Guerrillas by Dirk Kruijt documents the history in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua guerrilla movements that developed between the 1950s and the 1970s, providing information that allows the reader to encounter the similarities of these movements, but also the differential factors that altered the development of each movements in the mentioned countries. The book, then, illustrates the trajectories of El Salvador’s Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN); the Guatemala’s

  • Essay On Honduras

    1354 Words  | 6 Pages

    Honduras, not much is known about it except the fact that it is close to Mexico. If you know a bit of geography you would know that it is located in Central America and no bigger than Indiana. What is shown about the country is its poverty, somewhat corrupt government and the people.When you only see what lies on the outside you will never begin to imagine what waits for you on the inside. For one to understand what truly lies in Honduras they must venture forth on an experience of a lifetime. As