Junior school Essays

  • Service To Junior High School

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    My next hour of service I did for the school. The school had planned on someone coming to do the scoreboard for the Junior High games. As I was walking through the gym, it turned out the person had not shown up. I volunteered to keep score for the games. I worked the A-team girls volleyball games. My job was to keep the time for the warm up, and keep the time for timeouts. I also kept score for the teams. If there was anything I would change it would be that I would be more involved in the game

  • Junior Year In High School

    700 Words  | 3 Pages

    2. Tell us about a time when your expectations and outcomes differed. How did you grow from this experience? Junior year was that year in high school for me when I realized that I wanted to be someone and become recognized in my school or gave myself a name. I wanted to become involved in everything because I knew that next year, as a senior, I would start on my college applications and would want to write down a list of accomplishments to brag about. There is a variety of sports to get into, but

  • Persuasive Essay On Junior High School

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    and always be ready!!! I'm ready for high school although it seems hard. It sounds a lot funner than Junior High, you get more freedom in high school. In junior high you can't have your phones out at all but in high school you can. So i'm ready to get there to have more freedom and i'm ready to leave junior high. I will miss the teachers but i can still see them in the hallways and stuff i just wont have classes with them. The work will be harder than junior high but i expected that, every year it

  • Kino Junior High School Essay

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    Kino junior high is a school that thrives off of student success. For this to happen, however, students are expected to do the following: • Be respectful • Be responsible • Practice honesty • Give their personal best. The school also has policies in place that ask students to follow the agenda (that way they stay on track), bring all necessary materials (to assist them in their learning), and practice being on their best behavior (to ensure that all students have equal opportunities inside the

  • Gordonstoun Junior School Personal Statement

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    I have a unique background that would benefit the Gordonstoun Junior School, including my years of experience working with international students in the USA and Africa. As a Slovak immigrant, I had the opportunity to study, travel, and work in many countries. I have a Bachelor’s of Art (BA) degree in International Studies with a focus in European History and a Master of Science (MS) in Historic Preservation with all projects focused on European/International history and the historic environment.

  • Compare And Contrast Essay On Junior High School

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    Junior High and High school leave a big impact on you and they are very different. The debut of high school changes you significantly. The differences can be from how strict they are, to their grading system, to the overall look of their school. This change can be very difficult for people or very easy, but for me it was the change in education and overall look that was the biggest for me. The strictness of the teachers and staff gave us less freedom at junior high but high school gives you more

  • Stonecreek Junior High School Comparison Essay

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    changes during the incipient time in high school because of the transition from junior high school. Stonecreek Junior High was overall a decent school with a good educational environment. Ridgeview High School is my current school, and so far it is dissimilar from my past junior high school. The major differences between my junior high and Ridgeview High School involve independence, inconsistent schedules and the treatment I have received from the schools; this helped me grasp what I needed to be

  • Standardized Tests: Junior Year In High School

    379 Words  | 2 Pages

    such as the ACT and SAT have caused a majority of stress since my junior year in high school. It amazes me how a test score can play a key role when it comes to defining you as a person. Not everyone has the same strengths as another person and it should not be the main focus when it comes to admitting an individual into college. Standardized tests are one of the biggest challenges I have faced since my junior year in high school. This challenge has affected my goals due to the fact that since I

  • My Junior Year In High School

    715 Words  | 3 Pages

    Last year, my junior year, was exciting for me because back then I knew that I was literally one year away from being a senior, but I also faced some very difficult challenges. One of the biggest challenges that I had faced last year was being kicked out of my first high school, Villa Angela- St. Joseph, for reasons that I feft were not as serious as the things other people were doing, but in reality, it was not about anyone else, it was about me. I was in trouble. I had to accept and own up to the

  • Peotone Junior High School: A Short Story

    843 Words  | 4 Pages

    The first bell at Peotone Junior High School rang out at 8:20 a.m. All of the children, grades sixth through eighth, flowed up the stairs like a swift river current. As everyone arrived at their dingy, gray lockers, Coach Matthies, a bald, muscular gym teacher, howled, “Graffiti! All over the lockers!” Moments later, the other teachers scurried into the hallway and read, “Jose is a beast” written in a vibrant pink spray paint. Immediately, Jose was requested in the office over the intercom. Jose

  • My Experience Of Volunteering At Busbridge Junior School

    642 Words  | 3 Pages

    During my time at Sixth Form College I have been volunteering at Busbridge Junior School, helping the lower ability children, many with learning difficulties, improve their reading. The satisfaction I gained from seeing not only their reading ability but also their confidence in themselves improve is what has driven me to want to work with children with problems in the future. When working with the children, I was fascinated by their different behaviours and how much they changed and developed over

  • Personal Narrative: Junior Year Of High School

    394 Words  | 2 Pages

    Junior year of high school most definitely did not go as planned. As a matter of fact, so far, the hardest year, especially because of my AP English class. Having several other AP classes and some honors classes, AP English seemed to be my greatest struggle. Being a math and science lover, I never took interest in reading or writing. Last year in AP English, changed my perspective in life for everything. Mrs.Stagg, the AP English teacher that I got enrolled with, unlike any other teacher, teaches

  • Informative Essay: A Life In Junior High School

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    Junior High is a huge start in your teen and adult life because this springs you up for high school, college, and the rest of your life. Jr. High launches you off an a path of success or failure, but you have to be willing to fail. In junior high you have the choice to become a leader or a follower and this influences the rest of your life. This informative essay will be stating facts about social life, academics, and personal responsibilities that you must have in to survive in Junior High. Academics

  • Personal Narrative: My Junior Year In High School

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    My junior year was especially significant to me. I was off to a great start - I was doing well in my classes, and competing strongly on the cross country team. I had just finished a race with my fastest time, which qualified me for the varsity team. The same week as that qualifying race, I fell and I got a concussion. As a result, I had to take 2 weeks off from school and stop running while I recovered. As much as I wanted to continue on my trajectory, I had to be disciplined with what I could do

  • College Admissions Essay: Junior Year In High School

    496 Words  | 2 Pages

    Junior year was that year in high school when I realized that I wanted to become recognized as someone in my school. I wanted to become involved in everything because I knew that next year, as a senior, I would start on my college applications and wanted to write down a list of accomplishments to brag about. There was a variety of sports to get into, but I thought that getting into well-recognized clubs would definitely make me look like an accomplished student. I started off by signing up for the

  • Personal Narrative: My Junior High School Experience

    646 Words  | 3 Pages

    student athletes describe their junior high school years. My junior high school experience did not greatly differ from this standard. However, towards the end of my junior high career, I began transition from childhood to adulthood. Specifically, when I made the decision in eighth grade to switch schools and made a personal commitment to play high school football. Since Kindergarten, I attended Sacred Heart School, a small, strict and protective Catholic school located in a small New Hampshire

  • Parker Jones Junior High School: A Short Story

    984 Words  | 4 Pages

    RIING!! RIING!! RIING!! The bell sounds at Parker Jones Junior High School. 500 6th, 7th, and 8th graders walk through the halls into their first period class. Isabella, one of the most studious students in her 7th grade class, gets her books from her locker eager to get to her first class. She walks confidently despite the constant pushing an shoving throughout the halls. On the other side of the hall was none other than Respusia, the most intimidating person in the hallway. She towered over

  • Scholarship Essay: Moving From Junior High To High School

    555 Words  | 3 Pages

    Scholarship Essay In the past several years my life has shifted drastically. Going from junior high to high school, changing from a preteen to an adult. Everyone goes through it, but how the individual goes through that change is different for each person. My transition to a different kind of life was easy because I had tremendous help from my friends and family who guided me to make the right choices. My family taught me to be caring and helpful. Their guidance has helped me take another step

  • Personal Narrative: Entering My Junior Year Of High School

    564 Words  | 3 Pages

    Entering my Junior year of high school I was forewarned about the most important and hardest year of my high school career, the year was looking more negative than positive from the advice given. Despite those comments I decided to enter with a positive mindset starting with my soccer season. I had been playing since I was 6, captain of my middle school team, injured my freshmen year, and was having one of the best seasons my Junior year for both my school team and out of school league. In the

  • Graduation Speech: Treasure Mountain Junior High School

    287 Words  | 2 Pages

    I’m Murphy Georger, I am a member of the Park City Swim Team and a student of Treasure Mountain Junior High. I sit in the second row of Ms.Hooker’s class. I found every thing you told us about to be very fascinated. Most of all I really enjoyed learning about you and your background. I appreciate you coming to our class to speech. My favorite party of your presentation was when you told us about your background and how you grew up. It’s not every day that you meet a polygamist, deaf basketball