Migraine Essays

  • The Effects Of Migraine On Women

    1280 Words  | 6 Pages

    discuss the effects migraines have on women in comparison to men, and why they are more prevalent on women. 1. They look at the different statistics that compare women and men. 2. They look into the sex hormones, genes, and the differences in brain function and structure. Subpoints B. Women suffer from migraines twice as more as men do (Finocchi & Strada, 2014). C. Women have more, longer-lasting, painful migraines. 1. It causes more of a disability. 2. They risk their migraines turning into chronic

  • Annotated Bibliography On Migraine

    1428 Words  | 6 Pages

    Scholarly journal Silberstein, S. (2004). Migraine. The Lancet, 363(9406), 381-391. This article comes from a scholarly journal article called Migraine. It is about as the title of the article conveys about migraines. The author Stephen Silberstein talks about the cause, symptoms, treatment and types of migraines in detail by mentioning published medical researches and experiment. In this scholarly journal article migraine is a neurological disorder in most articles that are published a couple of

  • Migraines Memo Sample

    886 Words  | 4 Pages

    with migraines in the Fiscal Services Department of Southern Shirts, Inc. to operate in healthier working environments. Employees often miss work due to migraines, as nausea, vomiting, and possible speech problems can be debilitating. When employees at work experience a migraine, pain and sickness from a headache reduce productivity. Reduction in productivity means co-workers labor on additional assignments, making for low morale throughout the company and a decrease in profit. Migraines in the

  • Migraines In Home Care Essay

    420 Words  | 2 Pages

    for Seniors and Migraines If you have never had a migraine, count yourself lucky or blessed. These powerful headaches can last from several hours to several days. In some individuals, the symptoms last even longer. While most seniors do not get migraines, even those that suffered from them in their younger years, this thrilling information does not help the millions of seniors that still suffer from this debilitating affliction. According to WebMD, many seniors avoid migraines by keeping away

  • How Does Acupuncture Help Cure Migraines

    324 Words  | 2 Pages

    How Does Acupuncture Help Cure Headaches and Migraines? Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific pressure points on the body which stimulates the nerves and helps blood flow throughout the body. Blood flow in the tissues increases when the small vessels around the area of the needle dilate. The pain of a migraine may be associated with the dilation of blood vessels in the head, increasing circulation in this area can worsen the patient’s symptoms. At New York AcuHealth, they

  • Persuasive Migraine Research Papers

    299 Words  | 2 Pages

    Everyone at one point or another has come down with a case of the sniffles or has gotten a migraine. You’re just lucky that it happened in the 21st century and not the Middle Ages. During that time the common cold would have been treated by giving you sweet-smelling herbs such as rose, lavender, sage, and bay and to treat a migraine you would have undergone a procedure known as Trepanation, the act of drilling a hole in the skull to relieve pain and pressure. I decided to do this to research this

  • Tension Type Headache Research Paper

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    chronic tension-type headache is characterised by a headache meeting the above criteria but for more than 15 days a month. (Loder and Rizzoli, 2008) Another type of headache is migraine. Migraine is viewed as a more severe condition compared to tension-type headache as the frequency of headache attacks increases. Migraine patients can be identified as those who have had at least two headache attacks with aura, in which the symptoms are seeing flashing lights, difficulty in concentration, problems

  • Acupuncture Research Paper

    449 Words  | 2 Pages

    always successful and comes with side effects even when it does not help. Many people are eager for some new method of migraine relief. More than a decade ago, the National Institutes of Health recommended acupuncture for headaches as a viable treatment modality. More recently, Duke University performed a meta-study to aggregate data from multiple separate studies investigating migraine relief and related issues. This meta-study concluded that acupuncture for headaches is more effective than medication

  • Wirach Case Study

    892 Words  | 4 Pages

    SUBJECTIVE INFORMATION: Wirach is a 61 year old male that suffers from migraine headaches that is focused in the occipital area. Today he was seen by myself Kareen Wong (Pharmacy student) and Anna Rogers (Clinical Pharmacist) for a medication review. When asked about his current list of medications, he is currently taking propranolol for heart palpitations, venlafaxine for depression, lorazepam for sleep, ranitidine for heart burn and senokot for constipation. In addition, he is on amlodipine

  • Personal Narrative: Medical Marijuana

    851 Words  | 4 Pages

    My sophomore year of high school I started getting terrible migraines with auras. It would start with me getting really dizzy, I’d hear a crazy ringing in my ears, and then the migraine would hit. Once the pain started right behind my eyes I would start to see white spots all throughout my vision, making it impossible to focus in school or even drive home, even though I lived only a couple blocks down the road. The pain was so intense at times that it would actually make me throw up too. I do not

  • Icd 10 Code Diagnosis Case Study

    715 Words  | 3 Pages

    • Identify ONE Primary with ICD 10 code diagnosis given the information in part one and part two together. Include the rationale and a reference for your diagnoses. • Migraine Headaches (G43.0)- Migraine headaches are the most common type of headaches in the pediatric population. Diagnostic criteria can be complex in pediatrics. Patients often experience headaches that are bilateral and located in the frontal temporal region. It is associated with pulsating pain, nausea, photophobia, phonophobia

  • Migraines Theory

    1011 Words  | 5 Pages

    of the types of primary headaches are migraine (2). Migraine is the most common primary headache syndrome with no specific pathologic reason that has adverse effects on different dimensions of physical, psychological, social health (3). Epidemiological studies have documented its high prevalence and

  • The Importance Of Lifetime Sports

    1954 Words  | 8 Pages

    Golf is a sport that youth can begin playing at a very young age and enjoy as a casual and/or competitive activity for the rest of their lives. While having fun playing this lifetime sport, young people learn valuable life lessons in sportsmanship, honesty, patience and integrity and use these attributes in a variety of situations they encounter throughout life. Golf also encourages juniors to set goals and develop communication skills with other players. Overall, junior golf helps shape the lives

  • Migraine Monologue

    676 Words  | 3 Pages

    I didn’t fall asleep until about 3:30… or so… I couldn’t stop thinking about my Carla. When I woke this morning I had this intense pain in my head, which is from the sinus infection… It almost feels like a migraine, but I’m just trying to power through it (I just took a Sudafed, so I need you to pray for me that it doesn’t start that thing with my heart racing again). The doctor said if this third round of antibiotics doesn’t work than I will have to see a nose-throat-and-ear specialist and will

  • Essay On Preventing Migraine

    767 Words  | 4 Pages

    Surprising Easy Ways To Prevent Migraines There can be no denying that migraines are quite painful and they can really affect the quality of life as well. Worse still is the fact that it is almost impossible to cure migraine effectively. But that notwithstanding, the good news is that there are some proven ways that can help you prevent migraine. Below are some of them. Know and avoid the trigger factors One of the easiest yet surest ways of preventing migraine is knowing and avoiding the factors

  • Migraine Research Paper

    950 Words  | 4 Pages

    Migraine sufferers believe that their condition will improve as they age but this is not the case with everyone. Even those who are at the age of 60 and above still experience migraine attacks from time to time. Migraines tend to occur during the early parts of your teenage years or early 20s but it is most likely to occur in those who are in the 30s or 40s. There are studies that show 40% of those with migraines experience less attacks by the time they reach their 60s, especially in women, because

  • Migraine Informative Speech

    565 Words  | 3 Pages

    If you have ever had a true migraine, you certainly don’t want one again. Migraines can be a very painful condition and for most people worse than any normal headache pain could ever give you. People who suffer from migraines find the pain so excruciating that sometimes they can’t even bare or concentrate on performing even the easiest daily tasks. People who suffer from migraines also find that they are very sensitive to light exposure and can worsen your migraine dramatically. Although there

  • Migraine Headache Research Paper

    1151 Words  | 5 Pages

    Relieve from migraine headaches:symptoms, causes and natural remedies Headache (cephalea, Cephalalgia, the Greek word) is pain or painful sensations in the head and parts of the neck, and compared to its onset and duration, can be acute or chronic. Although it is sometimes accompanying symptom of other diseases, a headache is often a disease in itself. Headaches are one of the most common diseases affecting the human race.They ussualy occur between the ages of 25 - 35 years, more frequently in

  • Chronic Migraines Research Paper

    502 Words  | 3 Pages

    I suffer from chronic migraines and hemiplegic migraines. The two are separate conditions. I have suffered from these since 2007, and despite years of different medications and dosages, nothing has worked. Neither I nor my doctors or neurologists have any idea what causes the hemiplegic or the chronic migraines. During a chronic migraine, I am in agonising pain. The pain is overwhelming and I am unable to concentrate on anything else. I am not able to stand, or think, or perform even the simplest

  • Apollo Headache And Migraine Clinic Research Paper

    495 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pounding headache, nausea, light sensitivity and vomiting are all weary symptoms of a migraine. They can cause absolutely incapacitating pain and immobilise a person at times. It is often treated with antinausea drugs and preventive medicines and also involves painkillers. A migraine is not as uncommon as we think, in fact, according to the Migraine Research Foundation an estimated one billion people are affected by this syndrome globally. Mostly they choose to live with it and gradually begin depending