Resident assistant Essays

  • Resident Assistant Observation

    478 Words  | 2 Pages

    If you were to ask me a year ago what the purpose of a resident assistant is, I probably would have said “to be the parent of the dorm.” While in many ways this statement is true, I know now that an RA's role extends deeper than the statement portrays. My second year of living on campus has allowed me to observe a few of the overlooked duties of an RA such as updating residents on resources through bulletin boards and maintaining discipline by enforcing quiet hours. Summarizing just a few of my observations

  • Resident Assistant Swot Analysis

    525 Words  | 3 Pages

    A resident assistant is supposed to provide a safe, welcoming environment where residents feel free to communicate and express themselves. My biggest strength that relates to the roles of the RA position is being able to Communicate effectively. I am a Communication major, and I have learned to speak in public, and speak in a manner that is both understandable and clear. I have been told many times before that I have a great sense of humor and extremely creative. Being creative is a key strength

  • Resident Assistant Job Application Essay

    1497 Words  | 6 Pages

    1. Please describe any personal characteristics which you possess that make you qualified to be a Resident Assistant. What skills do you possess and what experiences have you had that might enhance your candidacy for the Resident Assistant position? a. As an individual, I find myself to be very accountable. Finding excuses to explain mistakes, in either personal or group work, reduces confidence in one’s abilities. Mistakes should be avoided, but if, and when they inevitably occur, I embrace them

  • Resident Assistant Recommendation

    340 Words  | 2 Pages

    I am writing this recommendation letter at the request of Samantha Mercado who is applying for the Resident Assistant position. I was lucky enough to have Samantha as a resident and suitemate this year in Stuyvesant Hall. Over the past semester, I am proud to say that I have seen Samantha grow as a student and find her place at Hofstra University. Samantha is one of the most focused and driven individuals I have ever met. Her commitment to academics is second to none and as a Dance and Biology double

  • Resident Assistant Reflection

    688 Words  | 3 Pages

    As a Resident Assistant, I understand a skill in time management is key. I prioritize my time by planning out my days the night before. By writing my schedule down, it shows the tasks I need to accomplish that day. Also, with planning my days, I do not waste time. Before I started planning my days, I would waste time and accomplish nothing because I did not know what I needed to complete. My schedules allow room for unexpected complications to arise. For example, if I forgot to print a paper for

  • Resident Assistant Assignment

    456 Words  | 2 Pages

    Applying to be a resident assistant is one of the best and most rewarding decisions that I made in college. Without my experiences in Residence Life, my college experience would not have been as rich as fulfilling. I was a freshmen women’s RA for my first two years as an RA and I always look back fondly over that time. Although there was definitely a lot of struggles and conflicts that occurred in my freshmen modules, that’s really where my heart is. Over my past three years as an RA, I have

  • Leopard's Oath Analysis

    712 Words  | 3 Pages

    named Edward Durfee, or Ted, as his friends call him. Ted is a resident assistant here at Wentworth for the freshman class living in Evans Way / Tudbury Hall. I believe that any resident assistant who facilitates the freshman class should be applauded. Resident assistants in your freshman year are a key stepping stone in becoming a knowledgeable and worldly student at Wentworth Institute of Technology. By sojourning as a resident assistant for multiple semesters, Ted reflects the key tenants of the

  • Resident Assistant Personal Statement

    285 Words  | 2 Pages

    From the Resident Assistant position I hope to learn management skills, a proper balance of order and fun, and better leadership skills. First of all, I feel management skills will have to be learned while being a Resident Assistant because of the amount of duties I would be responsible for. Not only must I watch over an entire floor of girls, but I also need to attend meetings, keep paperwork, and report and listen to those ranked above me. In a lifetime, it is important to have management skills

  • Resident Assistant Case Study

    562 Words  | 3 Pages

    and communicative skills. One of the most important aspects of being a Resident Assistant, to me, is being able to talk to a wide variety of people. You do not have the option to choose your residents and it is important to be able to communicate with any type of residents rather than just the ones that are similar to you. Emma is more than equipped to handle that challenge due to her experience as a dance teaching assistant, her experience with exchange programs, and her work as a Music Department

  • Resident Assistant Essay Examples

    1304 Words  | 6 Pages

    Resident Assistants serve many purposes and play many roles in the community. They help to build and promote a supportive and active community within their residence hall and across the campus, and offer support and guidance to their residents. This aids in making Geneseo feel more like home and a community rather than simply a school. RAs enforce Geneseo and Department of Student Life rules, while also being a more easily accessible and less intimidating resource to other students in need of help

  • Resident Assistant Recommendation Letter

    458 Words  | 2 Pages

    Re: Letter of Recommendation for Joshua Whiting To The RA Selection Committee: I write on behalf of Joshua Whiting’s application for a Resident Assistant position. I believe Josh to be an exemplary student-scholar as well as a person of tremendous character with significant leadership skills. I met Josh in my first semester of college in our biology class. We were both Biochemistry majors so we got to skip Biology 1 and therefore were both new to this new world of college but already in a

  • Resident Assistant Reflective Essay

    855 Words  | 4 Pages

    Sanford’s theory of challenge and support, I recall my experience as a Resident Assistant (RA). As a RA, I struggled with enforcing policy and mediating conflicts with residents. Now I know that this was partly attributed to my desire for wanting residents to like me, especially since many of them were

  • Resident Assistant Application Essay

    1478 Words  | 6 Pages

    I am currently a Resident Assistant (RA) in Noehren Hall at the University of Northern Iowa. I came to UNI with limited knowledge about the field of Student Affairs or the impact it has on college campuses. When I became an RA my sophomore year, I instantly fell in love with how I was able to use my passion to connect and build strong relationships with those around me. I currently am in my second year of being a resident assistant here at UNI in a traditional dormitory. I have also gotten involved

  • Resident Assistant Application Essay

    490 Words  | 2 Pages

    Please accept my resume to showcase my interest in the position of Resident Assistant. I believe that I am an excellent candidate due to my leadership ability, my academic achievement, and my overall attitude. I am a firm believer in academia being the top priority while in college and I have proven this attitude through my performance over the past semester. As a Political Science and International Business double major at Monmouth College, who is on the Pre-Law track, I aspire to work in politics

  • Resident Assistant Research Paper

    1002 Words  | 5 Pages

    Picture it: the friendly resident assistant helping her resident when she has a tough problem. Maybe the resident is locked out of her dorm, or is having roommate struggles, or even just has general stress with school work. I would like to be that resident assistant helping that girl, and I feel that I could fill this potential position. Working as a Resident Assistant has many benefits and potential positive outcomes. Some of these include the ability to meet new people as well as getting to know

  • Essay Application As A Resident Assistant

    598 Words  | 3 Pages

    Russ Smith, My name is Aleyana Boothe. I am a junior majoring in Urban Ecology with a minor in Sustainability Studies interested in education at nature preserves and protected land. I am currently a Resident Assistant (RA) in Colonial Square and I am interested in becoming a Senior Resident Assistant (SRA). While at Hofstra University I have become an active member of the community, taking on various leadership opportunities as well as volunteering in Family Weekend with Parent and Family Programs

  • Resident Assistant Reflective Essay

    600 Words  | 3 Pages

    this course provides, I am very excited to have the opportunity to learn more about the qualities of a Residence Assistance. After I have finished this course, the four things I hope to have learned are, a wide knowledge about how to excel as a Resident Assistant, tips on how to manage work, social, and student life as an RA, ideas of how to present material to diverse cultural backgrounds, and helpful ways to build upon leadership qualities. My Idea of the Primary Role of an RA I live in Woody/Shales

  • Resident Assistant Interview Essay

    1075 Words  | 5 Pages

    Holding an RHA position requires a plethora of skills in leadership, personal balance, academic balance, professional balance, and communication. Currently I am seeking a future in the Resident Assistant (RA) positon which will allow me to learn and utilize these skills when providing conflict resolution and creating relationships within my hall. In order to get a better understanding of many different aspects that go into being an RA, I interviewed a current RA named Bayleigh____ and asked her about

  • Resident Assistant Application Essay

    774 Words  | 4 Pages

    opportunities there is one common theme amongst them: serving. I find myself with immense fervor to be able to make a positive impact on those that face opposition or struggle through the trials of life. I had an amazing opportunity to be a Resident Assistant my sophomore year at Hardin-Simmons University. Although it is not directly in the realm of counseling or psychology, there are aspects the job emphasizes on: positively influencing young girls, learning ways to grow in community with one another

  • Stetson University Resident Assistant Role

    410 Words  | 2 Pages

    At Stetson University, the Resident Assistant is a vital member of the of the community. Their role is not an easy one but it is certainly a rewarding one. It is the job of the Resident Assistant to guide their peers in a positive direction both through words and actions. They should act as role models to the residents and help the residents be the best version of themselves. Within the hall, it is their duty to strive to make it feel like a safe and inviting community. Whether this be through a