Richard Ramirez Essays

  • Richard Ramirez Trial

    1425 Words  | 6 Pages

    Early adolescence is the time of imprinting. Richard Ramirez is a man that would look deceivingly charming but the crimes he was convicted of shows he has no morals. Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez was born on February 29, 1960, in El Paso, Texas. He was the fifth and last child of Mexican immigrants Julian and Mercedes. His father was a former police man and the mother worked in a boot factory. She breathe in a lot of toxic chemicals and was given no benefits of wearing a mask. Two of the first four

  • Richard Ramirez Research Papers

    897 Words  | 4 Pages

    Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker, was an American serial killer who would break into homes in California, raping and torturing his victims. Ramirez was born in El Paso, Texas on February 28th, 1960. He lived to be 53, dying on June 7th, 2013. Richard Ramirez was the youngest of seven children of a Catholic family. The bad influences came into Ramirez’s life when his older cousin, Mike, returned from fighting in the Vietnam War. Upon Mike’s return, he began talking to Ramirez, and telling him stories

  • Richard Ramirez Behavior

    883 Words  | 4 Pages

    Richard Ramirez was born February 29, 1960 in El Paso, Texas. His parents, ma and pa kettle, both had occupations that demanded long hours of work for meagre pay. He experienced a troublesome childhood growing up in a family where he was the youngest of seven children. Richard’s father and grandfather both exhibited abusive behaviours towards their wives and children. All the Ramirez children suffered from health problems. The government was conducting nuclear bomb testing nearby, and the toxic

  • Richard Ramirez Research Paper

    1677 Words  | 7 Pages

    Richard Ramirez also known as The Night Stalker was a serial rapist, and also a Satan worshiper. He stalked people and broke into their homes while they were sleep and had a plan how to kill them based off their gender. Ramirez was a conflicted individual whose actions lead to extreme heartbreak for numerous families. Richard was a Mexican-American who was born on February 29, 1960 in El Paso, Texas. He had five siblings and was the youngest of them all. Ramirez had a pretty normal childhood.

  • Richard Ramirez Research Paper

    486 Words  | 2 Pages

    Considering Richard Ramirez’s past of drug abuse, his views on reality and the world were twisted. Consumed by the sense of freedom and power that Satanism provided, he believed Satan would protect him from the consequences of his actions. With little schooling completed, Richard would come to realize that he didn’t have many options besides enlisting in the military. Lacking the self-discipline and readiness to conform to authority, he left Texas at 22 and found a home on the West Coast. Richard Ramirez

  • Richard Ramirez Research Paper

    586 Words  | 3 Pages

    Richard Ramirez, also known as the “Night Stalker”, was a murderer, rapist, and burglar based in Southern California. As a serial killer, his crimes spanned from 1984 to 1985. Richard was the youngest of 5 children. He was physically abused by his father, who tended to lose his temper easily. He also withstood two serious head injuries, one by a dresser that fell on him, and the other by a swing that knocked him out. The latter caused him to have seizures as a teenager. He spent a lot of time with

  • Richard Ramirez Research Paper

    887 Words  | 4 Pages

    Insanity Richard Ramirez, known as the night stalker, was a serial killer in Los Angeles. I think that Richard Ramirez suffered from insanity. Insanity is when one is seriously mental ill. Richard Ramirez spent a lot of his childhood with a family cousin Michael. Michael was a Vietnam green beret that told Richard of how he found pleasure in raping and murdering Vietnamese women while deployed. He would even show Richard photos of himself doing these things. I believe that growing up influenced

  • Richard Ramirez Research Papers

    1960 Words  | 8 Pages

    Richard Ramirez was a notorious serial killer who devastated California as the “Night Stalker” in 1984. His childhood was filled with several unfortunate events including abuse, traumatic accidents, and his family’s struggle to remain financially stable. During his adolescent years, Ramirez began to fall under horrible influences that encouraged him to try different drugs and commit petty crimes. In 2013, the infamous Night Stalker passed away in his cell on death row at the age of 53. Though he

  • Richard Ramirez Case Summary

    1329 Words  | 6 Pages

    short period of time and with enough distance between them to prevent the authorities to capture him but still to relate him to the cases and to identify him to prevent general population of him. Most of the victims’ households property was stolen by Ramirez during and/or after the attacks. These robberies included items of great value that could not be tracked such as jewelry or clothes (, 1989). The crimes that were perpetuated by the criminal seemed to have happened to the elderly and all

  • Richard Ramirez Research Paper

    830 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez, AKA Richard Ramirez was a serial killer and rapist operating in the L.A. and San Francisco area, from 1984-85. He was called the night stalker by the news media and was one of the most vicious killers in U.S. history. Richard Ramirez’s early life was pretty good, even had his dad as a role model. Till he got hooked on drugs, then he found a new role model. His cousin Mike who was vietnam veteran decided to show some polaroid photos of people he’s killed, but not on

  • Richard Ramirez Research Paper

    535 Words  | 3 Pages

    Richard Ramirez started his crime as early theft, this started small and began to grow as time went on. His crimes eventually moved to very violent crimes. He moved from Texas to Califonia when he was 22, this is where his crimes began. After a great deal, Ramirez endured his interest in violence starting at age 13. His first violent victim was sexually assaulted and then stabbed to death. Ramirez while working at the Holiday Inn murdered a little girl who was 9 years old in the basement of the hotel

  • Richard Ramirez Research Papers

    480 Words  | 2 Pages

    1985 the neighborhoods of Los Angeles endured the spine shivering fear of “the night stalker.” Richard Ramirez nearly murdered 25 people during his alarming killing spree. He also viciously sexually assaulted _____ women late at night in their homes. At this time the night stalker had no face just a nickname, it would be 2 years before a face and name could be put on the night stalker. Richard Ramirez was born in El Paso, Texas in 1960 was always a troubled child who looked up to his older cousin

  • Richard Ramirez Research Paper

    1581 Words  | 7 Pages

    Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez, also known as Richard Ramirez was an American serial killer, rapist and burglar whose killing spree took place between June 1984 until August 1985. He was dubbed “The Night Stalker” by the media as he gravitated towards shadows purposefully, exploited the night and wrapped it around himself clad in all black attire. He was also a self-declared Satanist, leaving signs and markings at scenes of crimes and on bodies of victims. Following his capture, he was initially charged

  • Richard Ramirez

    2529 Words  | 11 Pages

    A Psychoanalytic Lens Into Richard Ramirez’s Psychopathy. Jeremiah Adames. CRIM 2210: Criminology. University of Massachusetts Lowell Professor AnaCristina. 4/18/2024. Abstract Agnew’s general strain theory (1992) and Bandura’s social learning model (1997) can associate a serial killer’s upbringing and learned environment with the development of antisocial behaviors and mental disorders. Richard Ramirez was an infamous serial killer who carried many titles: child predator, rapist, sodomist

  • Ricardo Leyva Munoz Term Papers

    1363 Words  | 6 Pages

    no mercy. He would become to be know as the Night Stalker. Ricardo Leyva Munoz Ramirez, known as Richard Ramirez was born in El Paso, Texas on February 29, 1960. He was the youngest of five children born to Mexican immigrant parents. His father was a former policeman from Mexico, who had a bad temper and physically abused his children. His mother a dedicated Catholic, had a very difficult pregnancy with Ramirez,

  • Franz Ramirez Research Papers

    611 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramirez AKA Richard Ramirez was a serial killer best know during the 80’s as the “Valley Intruder” then officially as the “Night Stalker.” Ramirez MO would consist of breaking into homes at night (mainly with couples), killing the men with one shot (.22 revolver) and torturing, raping and killed most of his female victims. Ramirez was born February 28, 1960 in El Paso, Texas. He was the youngest of seven kids in his family where his father, Julian Ramirez abandoned them and his

  • Research Paper On Richard Gomaz

    670 Words  | 3 Pages

    Richard Ramirez was an American serial killer. His full name is Ricardo Leyva Munoz Ramirez. His father’s name is Julian Ramirez and his mother’s is Mercedes Ramirez. Julian and Mercedes were Mexican immigrants. “Richard was born in El Paso, Texas.” ( Ricardo Leyva Munoz Ramirez was born on February 29, 1960. Out of all his siblings, we was the youngest. Growing up, he was quite the loner. As a child, he had seizures and was thought to be epileptic. As a teenager, he went to Jefferson

  • What Are Richard Leyva Munoz Major Accomplishments

    450 Words  | 2 Pages

    Richard Ramirez, an American man with high gratitude in determination of being a powerful criminal mastermind. Richard Leyva Munoz Ramirez was born on February 29, 1960 in El Paso, Texas. He was an averagely tall man at 6’1 with a mother and father along with one sister and three brothers. His mother’s name was Mercedes Ramirez and his father’s name was Julian Ramirez. Richard’s father had a violent temper and would often beat Richard. As times got worse, Richard dropped out of Jefferson High-school

  • The Murder Of Richard Ramirez

    562 Words  | 3 Pages

    victims live. However, he would leave signs behind that eventually lead back to him. Ramirez was arrested on August 31, 1985. However, this arrest was not an easy one. He was first spotted by civilians and forced to flee, he attempted to try to steal a car that failed. He later ran 2 miles and was surrounded by sirens he tried to hide in homes but they shut the door on him. A group of bystanders attacked Ramirez and held him down until law enforcement got there. The attack was instructed by a metal

  • Richard Ramirez Analysis

    1776 Words  | 8 Pages

    Stalker, Ricardo Leyva Munoz Ramirez famously known as Richard Ramirez, struck fear through the bones of many during his serial killing spree in the mid-eighties. Ramirez killed at least fourteen people in his spree while raping and torturing many more. His criminal beginnings turned to violence in June of 1984 with his first known slaying of 79-year-old Jennie Vincow. Vincow was sexually assaulted, stabbed and ultimately killed in her home. Authorities had not yet caught Ramirez after this brutal homicide