Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution Essays

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Second Amendment

    1853 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Second Amendment forms part of the 10 ratified amendments of the constitution which form the Bill of Rights and was enabled by the United States Congress in December 1791. The amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” . These twenty-seven words have been the focus of much debate and lobbying not just within the three branches of government but across the whole of the United

  • Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

    760 Words  | 4 Pages

    According to the Second Amendment in the Constitution, the citizens have the right to possess and bear arms. However, this has remained an important issue since decades. Issues such as gun control and gun rights have remained a matter of debate and have been lobbying around in the Congress meetings. It has been shown that the Congress is compelled to draft a particular enactment keeping in mind the end goal to prepare a strict law against unlawful utilization of arms, and just having them for a good

  • The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

    1726 Words  | 7 Pages

    who are against gun control claim that the Second Amendment gives them the right to own firearms; however, the Constitution only gives collective rights to possess guns rather than individual. The Second Amendment states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” (US Const. amend. II). The “well regulated militia” clause clearly states that the amendment does not apply to every individual. With

  • Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

    1362 Words  | 6 Pages

    As of recent years, The Second Amendment has been a question of concern to many citizens in the United States. There has been an increase in mass school shootings in various states, and these shootings are making a lot of Americans wonder is The Second Amendment really beneficial to our citizens. Some may agree and others will disagree with the conceal and carry laws that are currently in place, but one thing is for sure, they are here to stay, at least for now. The conceal and carry laws in place

  • The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Laws

    1108 Words  | 5 Pages

    Madison declared that United States citizens should possess the right to bear arms to maintain a free state (Hornberger). Many Americans question what this founding father meant and which guns this included. The Second Amendment ensured that the citizens of the new republic could fight against future tyrannies (Hornberger). The first significant gun control law passed in 1934 placed tax restrictions on weapons favored by mobsters (Lewis). Since this act passed, the United States added several major

  • Argumentative Essay: Reducing Gun Violence In America

    1263 Words  | 6 Pages

    groups but also by law enforcement agencies, and ordinary citizens alike. Some feel that since the Second Amendment was written before the advent of modern firearms that it is outdated. Others believe that it is an inalienable right that must be preserved in order for Americans to remain a free people. The Second Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”( In the book

  • What Is The Abolition Of The 22nd Amendment Essay

    717 Words  | 3 Pages

    What would result from the repeal of the 22nd amendment? Would we be forced to submit to a dictatorship? Or would we be blessed with an illustrious leader? Would we be willing to take that risk? The 22nd amendment states that, “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice...” Recent discussions and proposals have been put forth to repeal or modify the amendment. No person should have that opportunity to surrender to the charms of power. Two four year terms should

  • Essay On 22nd Amendment

    547 Words  | 3 Pages

    I propose amendment to repeal the 22nd amendment of a two term limit on presidency. I believe that this amendment should be repealed because many presidents have proven that they are worthy of having more than two terms of presidency. For example, Franklin D. Rosevelt won 4 connective presidential elections and was the only president to be elected by the people for more than 2 terms. Franklin D. Rosevelt was doing so much good for the people of the United States, that they didn’t want his presidency

  • Gun Laws Pros And Cons

    2063 Words  | 9 Pages

    The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Whether or whether not the United States should implement stricter gun laws has been a controversial issue for a long time. “Gun control" is the popular name for laws that aspire to restrict or regulate guns by choosing who the government deems most suitable to sell, buy, and possess certain firearms

  • Arguments Against Gun Control

    1392 Words  | 6 Pages

    As stated by the Second Amendment, firearms are an inalienable right given to Americans. Therefore, taking away this right would completely obliterate the ideas that this country was founded upon. The founding fathers foresaw future generations being able to protect themselves from the inevitable. Firearms have a presence in many people’s lives, whether it be as a tool, hobby, or protection. Consequently, legislation surrounding firearms has become a recent argument considering the many uses for

  • Second Amendment Argumentative Analysis

    1434 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states that, “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Some people who advocate for the stronger gun control and extremists who go as far to claim that all guns should be illegal dwell on the part that talks about gun rights in relation to the militia. In a court case dating back to 1939, the Supreme Court ruled that because “the possession

  • The Second Amendment: The Bill Of Rights

    2019 Words  | 9 Pages

    The purpose of the Second Amendment The way in which we conceive our laws regarding guns is based solely on one important document: The Bill of Rights. The focus of this paper shall be mainly on the second amendment and how it shapes gun laws. This document will become a very important issue of the argument for less gun-controlling laws and to prove how the government is straying away from the original amendment set forth by the founding fathers of the United States. To fully understand the argument

  • Why Is Gun Control A Constitutional Right Issue

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    Gun control in the United States is a history of discrimination which is still continuing today. Gun control is a measure to reduce crimes. The crimes are mainly caused by the African-American. The first and foremost gun legislation for restricting the guns is the Pre-Revolution South. The primary aim is making the firearms away from the blacks and also to make a white monopoly on power. Before and after the Revolution many gun control laws came into existence to keep the guns away from the blacks

  • America Pros And Cons

    3469 Words  | 14 Pages

    The United States of America was founded and established by a brave resistance and it’s cause, for the “thirteen colonies” wanting national sovereignty from mother England in an attempt at creating their own New American World. This resistance and cause payed a price for which it being a revolution and a new born nation, the Founders’ of the 13 colonies only after a few attempts created one the most perfect drafts for declaring Independence. The United States Constitution and Bill of Right’s

  • Stricter Gun Control Laws

    2192 Words  | 9 Pages

    Guns have been a part of America’s history since its creation, so much so, even an amendment of the very Constitution it was founded on is devoted to civilian possession of firearms. It therefore comes as no surprise that any initiative to somehow enforce stricter laws and regulations regarding firearms, or God forbid, strip the people of their Second Amendment right, is faced with some resistance, to say the least. However, following the example of countries that have virtually solved some crime

  • Media Biases Against Gun Control

    1643 Words  | 7 Pages

    Guns are crucial in American society. This is something many advocates of the 2nd Amendment and gun possession have been stating for decades. Although many believe that they have their own ideas about gun control in the US, they are not aware that their opinions are being influenced by biased media agencies. Not only is there pressure from the government, mass media cogitates their broadcasting information so that the public gets center minded by their theories, not leaving space for people to think

  • Gun Control And The Second Amendment

    921 Words  | 4 Pages

    Even though the 2nd amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms, it was written prior to the technology capable of weapons today. Gun control laws are just as old or older than the Second Amendment (ratified in 1791).A few cases of gun control all through colonial America included criminalizing the exchange of guns to Catholics, slaves, indentured servants, and Native Americans; controlling the capacity of weapon powder in homes; prohibiting stacked weapons in Boston house. As Thomas Jefferson

  • The Outsiders: Comparison Of Book And Movie

    779 Words  | 4 Pages

    A book and a movie can be both the same and different. In The Outsiders there are many similarities and differences with the book and movie. They were the same because Johnny kills a man, they cut their, there was the movie scene, and Johnny and Ponyboy went to the church. Some of the differences is when Darry slaps Ponyboy but in the movie he pushes him, Johnny doesn't bring a lot of food in the book but does in the movie he does, when Johnny killed the man it was more described but it wasn't in

  • Persuasive Essay On School Shootings In The United States

    1244 Words  | 5 Pages

    abortion, the legal drinking age, and the death penalty, but what I am going to talk about is none of these, I’ve chosen instead everyone’s favorite topic which of course is gun control! Gun control has been a huge topic of discussion in the United States today. Recently, there has been many unpleasant events that have happened involving guns, and if you haven’t kept up much with the news and are wondering why is this certain issue being brought up a lot here recently? Then let me to tell you. It’s

  • Mass Shootings and the Right to Bear Firearms

    1535 Words  | 7 Pages

    the United States, people who want to kill a lot of other people most often do it with guns.” This makes the issue about gun control. Beside the loss of lives, the number of gun violence the country has experienced in a short period of time makes the issue more serious. Thus, lawmakers need to step up and pass stricter gun control laws. When compared to other developed countries, the USA has a higher gun related