Yahweh Essays

  • Vacation Bible School Analysis

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    Introduction Sometimes it doesn’t seem like God cares. It is easy to get upset at God and blame Him when things don’t go like we think they should. In the lessons that follow, we will examine the life of a man named Joseph. One bad thing after another seems to take place in his life. Through it all, however, Joseph trusts and obeys God. When we get to the end of the story we see that God was there all the time working in his life. We may not know how God is working or why He allows certain things

  • Narrative Essay On Abram's Destiny

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    Do you trust in God’s word? Would you keep your promise like God did? God kept his great promise, about where he was going. His prosperity and his descendants. I feel like God had mixed emotions in Genesis between good and bad, even God can’t be perfect because he was a Jealous God. In Genesis, this promise was repeated a couple times. God was putting together Abram, Sarai and their descendants a destiny, and there was a struggle for these people with the new destiny that was assigned to them. Abram

  • The Handmaids Tale Power Analysis

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    You are granted power and want to alter a situation in order to benefit yourself. How do you do it? In the novel The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, individuals with power are found in situations they feel they need to change. They work to accomplish this change, by modifying and even twisting moral views to an interpretation that is advantageous to them. Power leads to the corruption of values, which is illustrated by the Gilead setting, the Aunts’ character, and the use of Offred’s first person

  • Redemption In The Odyssey

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    Homer uses the Gods and Goddesses impact on Odysseus to show how redemption can be earned which is illustrated through Foster's quest theory. Circe, Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, and Helios are gods that symbolize mythological ideas, whereas in the Odyssey they symbolize lessons Odysseus needs to learn. Odysseus is a man that is judged by the gods all the time, he is on a journey to get home to his family from war. Odysseus does not always make the best decisions and it gets himself in big trouble. Circe

  • Heroism In The Hobbit

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    In the previous essay regarding the meaning of a Biblical hero, the word “hero” is never truly defined. Rather, the essay explores the three pinnacle qualities a hero must not have. These three title-stripping characteristics were the possession of hate for their enemies and lack of discernment. Thus, if a person, elf, dwarf, or hobbit does have these qualities, then they are not a hero. The prior essay leaves no definition for what qualified someone as a hero if they pass the preliminary character

  • Lord Yahweh

    442 Words  | 2 Pages

    the sight of the Lord, by breaking the covenantal relationship. They put their trust and faith in Baal, rather, than the Lord Yahweh. The proper name of God, “Lord” reveals the nature of who God is, He is the one tied in covenantal relationship with His people Israel. If, Israel is faithful then God will fulfil His promises of the covenant. The irony is that Israel turns Yahweh to seek security and prosperity elsewhere.

  • Northern Kingdom Yahweh

    1127 Words  | 5 Pages

    By the 12th century BCE, the freed Hebrews came to the promised land, prophesied by Yahweh. The Hebrews formed twelve tribes, known as the tribes of Israel.(purdue) There were ten tribes in the northern section and two in the southern section.(purdue) This period, before the start of the United Kingdom monarchy, was known as the period of the Judges (1200-1000 BCE).(purdue) At the end of this period, still lacking a central monarchy, the tribes started to become in control of Philistines.(purdue)

  • Comparing Hinduism And Indian Yahweh

    1158 Words  | 5 Pages

    absolute standard of truth, absolute reality—all these sums up the meaning of one of the most powerful words in the English vocabulary, Yahweh. The meaning of the word Yahweh may vary from country to country, religion to religion, and person to person. But despite having a couple of differences, there is always a few things that they have in common. They worship their Yahweh unconditionally and whole-heartedly. They may approach their god differently, but their sincerity is eternal. Hinduism has a vast

  • Similarities Between Elohim And Yahweh

    2002 Words  | 9 Pages

    Question1: Describe and define the two names of God. Two names of God are Elohim and Yahweh Elohim The first name for God seen in the Bible is the Hebrew name Elohim (Gen 1:1). El suggests the idea of power, strength and authority. El in Hebrew means mighty or strong one. Throughout the Old Testament we see Elohim (our strong and mighty God) displaying his great strength and might. Elohim does not only refer to great strength and might but it is the plural form of the name Eloah. The plural

  • Yahweh: The Role Of The Heart In The Bible

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    Abba. You can exercise your heart with prayer by speaking the words of Yahweh and memorizing scriptures, exercising your faith by speaking the promises of Yahweh that are in His

  • Yahweh As The Trinitari Father And Adonai

    487 Words  | 2 Pages

    By grasping that Yahweh can be observed as the Trinitarian “Father,” and Adonai can be observed as the Trinitarian “Son,” the message of this passage becomes clear. This prophetic messianic hope is evident throughout the entire Psalm. Therefore, it is a royal psalm with messianic allegations that conclude in the person of Jesus Christ. It seems logical to state the reason for Yahweh to speak this through David; to provide hope to His people for the future. Jesus points out this sign when talking

  • Yahweh Personal Shield Analysis

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    shields were the protection of the soldiers to prevent from being defeated. The shield of Faith is used a spiritual battle. It is a weapon that protects us as soldiers of Yahweh against any attacks of the adversary. This is made clear to us in Ephesians 6:16 where it says: "Above all, taking

  • The Israelite's Relationship With A Personable God Yahweh

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    Israelite’s relationship with a personable God who calls himself Yahweh, ‘I am who I am’, found primarily in the book of Psalms and collection of books known as the Pentateuch which play the integral role of laying out the interactions between Yahweh and his people. In the Pentateuch, the reader follows the story of the Israelites from creation to flood, patriarchs to captivity, and exodus to covenant and at the center of this journey is the God Yahweh, who can be observed as slowly revealing himself personally

  • Yahweh Short Story Analysis

    1359 Words  | 6 Pages

    Why did the writer wish to bring the book of Jonah to a climax with this dialogue between Yahweh and Jonah? What are the implications? c. Identify the key verses or strategic areas in chapter 4 that provide insight into the segment-as-a-whole. Recurrence of theme of lordship and concern of God; Recurrence of great/exceedingly and of evil; Recurrence of perish/die; Recurrence of contrast, and climax with contrast. d. Identify the literary form(s) employed in the segment. Prose narrative Chapter

  • God Yahweh I Am Research Paper

    1484 Words  | 6 Pages

    Who is God? What was life like in Old Testament times? How did God communicate to His people? Who did He call to be His messengers? Here are the answers to those questions. Are you ready to set out on a journey to discover the Old Testament? God, Yahweh, I AM, are a few of the names given to the Creator of The Holy Bible. This book consists of two sections, the Old Testament which is the first 39 books, and the New Testament containing the remaining 27 books, and is the only book that is the living

  • Purpose Of Exodus

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    specific worship of Yahweh by the Israelites. The persuasive argument that Yahweh is actually in a father-son relationship with Israel and there is no mention of Yahweh as the King of Israel in the Tanakh. Kim clarifies that the Book of Exodus “must be” read as a whole single book and not broken down into sections of criticism by other renown scholars. Kim supports his views that the “running theme” of Exodus is the need of the Israelites to worship Yahweh. Prior to the Exodus, Yahweh wants the release

  • The Structure Of 'Ruth' By Interpreter

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    family lived in Judah and worshiped god’s other than Yahweh, praying to them for their crops and harvests. The book of Ruth opens with the “famine in the land of Judah” that caused Naomi’s family to leave the promise land, showing their lack of faith in Yahweh (Ruth 1:1). Naomi and Elimelech’s distance from Yahweh was evident in the fact that they had given their son’s Canaanite names, Mahlon and Chilion. This family moved even farther away from Yahweh when they abandoned their family inheritance to move

  • Reflection On Selfishness

    743 Words  | 3 Pages

    every period in history has fit that label. All throughout recorded history we see selfishness rearing its ugly face. Selfishness says the world revolves around me. Yahweh says everything revolves around Him. When we act selfishly we break this commandment by thinking of oneself as an elohim. When we put ourselves above Yahweh, we tend to rationalize Yahweh’s laws or we ignore His law. We all have some selfishness left in us. Did it ever do anything good in your life? Selfishness leads eventually

  • Blood Covenant In Genesis Chapter 15

    365 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jesus Christ sacrificing his blood for all those who believe in Yahweh, this became the prophesy of there life under Egyptian rule and Exodus. Yahweh explains to Abram his protection and he will become the father of a great nation, and Abram questions the possibilities, because of his age. By questioning Yahweh, to validate these prophesies, because of Abrams lack of understanding, the blood covenant became the standard sacrifice to Yahweh, until Jesus’. However, unlike other cultures who sacrificed

  • Thematic Essay On The Old Testament

    444 Words  | 2 Pages

    produced these texts. However, these texts are all unified which makes them particularly Hebrew. The concept of covenant unifies the texts of the Old Testament which is what makes them particularly Hebrew. The Hebrews have a covenant with Yahweh to worship only Yahweh, meaning they cannot worship any other gods that people of the ancient Middle East worshipped. As long as the Hebrews keep their end of the covenant, they are the chosen people who will be specially favored by God. 2. In Genesis the