
19th Century Japan

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In the 19th century, a long period full of isolation. During the 19th century,
Japan and Korea were exposed to the threat of foreign powers, rapid modernization, economic progress, and an expansion of their social structure. The economic success attained by these two countries is impressive and well known. They both share common ideological traits, but also have different, unique pathways that brought themselves to modernization.
Modernization took place in the East due to the lack of political and military power these countries had to withstand Western nations. Japan and Korea realized how dangerous and threatening the Western powers were. Subsequently, there was a new authority in Asia. Western countries saw an opportunity and expansion …show more content…

During this time period Japan underwent social and political reform. The goal of the Meji government was to ensure people would have justice and opportunity. Then in 1889, Japan introduced its first constitution. The constitution was based off of European nations political policies. Most importantly, the constitution established clear power and civil rights. Japan’s military was one of the first major reformations to take place. They adopted Western military organizational patterns. Japan’s demand for resources helped them modernize, because it led to their military expansion. The government invested substantially large amounts of money to aid naval and military expansion. The expansion to resulted in the founding companies like Mitsubishi, Mitsui, and Sumitomo, which are still major companies today. There were three phases in the transiting to having a modern military in Japan. The first phase lasted 17 years, which lasted from 1853 to 1870. This period was filled with uncertainty and experimentation with news policies and forms. Secondly, from 1870 to 1878, is when the central government established a model for the navy and army. The model focused on internal structure and processes for the two institutions. Lastly, from 1878-1890, the focus changed to in which ways the military could interact with Japan’s political and social

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