2.1 Explain Theories Of Development And Frameworks To Support Development.

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Frameworks to support development include: Social pedagogy Theories of development Are important as they help us to understand children’s behaviour and ways of learning. Constructivist A children from their experience and active learns can make their words sense. Behaviourist Children repeat actions in order to stimuli and reinforcement. Social learning Children can learning by imitate behaviour, actions, etc Psychoanalytical Personality and actions are determined by the unconscious mind which develops in childhood. Humanist Motivation and personality are to achieve certain needs. Below I’ve explained how we use the theories of development at my work place. Attachment theory The strong emotional bonds are linked children and young people …show more content…

They come together with a regular meeting to discuss the most appropriate plan for a child to progress effectively. To match a child individual needs, may need different professionals. They work together to remove barriers of development and provide training. SENCO has responsibility for organising appointments, that make it easy to monitor development. Also co-ordinates with professionals who work with the child. Every child matters is a programme that help all children age from 0 to 19. The programme helps parents to work together with a school to make sure every child has the best chance on life. Some examples that multi agency teams how work together to tackle any negative factor may effect development: Any issues with a child self-esteem, confidence and depression, family will work together with psychologist, SENCO and social worker. Health issues, Family works together with GP, nurses and hospitals. In some cases family also works with school and social worker. Disability, sensory impairment and learning difficulties, family works with social worker, SENCO, school and learning support