2.2 Explain The Importance Of Guidance To Children

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Preschool teacher are the first ones that children meet and also the first one to guide children to make decisions. Also, at this age children are not fully grown to understand what they’re doing. Instead of punishing children we as teacher should guide children. Also, it gains social, emotional, and cognitive when guiding positive way.

Guidance can define in many ways for example "Guidance is helping children to learn the expectations of behavior in different ways meaning helping children learn the mistakes and teach them making positive choices" (virtuallabschool). Meaning correct children, a positive way instead of punishing them when a teacher punishes a child would not understand why they got punish. An example would be if …show more content…

Being able to listen and understand children if not able to understand what children are saying or listening is going to cause frustration and would not able to work anything out. A way to help children for social is able to communicate with them every day for children can feel warm in class and welcome also able to talk to others. Teacher should try to keep their emotions to themselves and not judge children at all times. Able to accept them who there are. Cognitive is able to help positive guidance in understand children learn in different pace and have to be patience. Able to find ways to help them learn and understand children. " When helping them to solve problems make it creative either independently or in group" (virtuallabschool). Trying to make it fun for children can enjoy the learning. When a teacher puts example of positive guidance children are able to …show more content…

One of the problems of Jack and Jill daycare was too many teachers that were taking care of Sam. Some teacher lets him do whatever he wants other teacher help him out. To help Sam is for the teacher to follow rules and guidelines being able to be on track of what Sam is doing. The teachers made a plan which helps out a lot is for having the same rules for Sam can understand what they expect from