
Delirium And Gattaca Comparative Essay

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Dystopian themes and ideologies are not just governed by fiction, they are seen as possible futures for contemporary society and allow a greater insight into what our society could become as seen in Gattaca and Delirium. This essay delves into the thought-provoking practices of Dystopic Fiction like Hope, Social Class Division and Surveillance between Gattaca and Delirium in relation to contemporary society to explore how both authors produce an invited reading. In both texts, the human spirit is apparent, such as during the swimming scene in Gattaca, and Magdalena’s resistance to the cure for Delirium. In Gattaca, it’s noted Niccol has used the water to symbolize nature while using the pair of swimmers to represent humanity’s desire to …show more content…

Thus, portraying that anything was possible, even for invalids like Vincent who didn’t realize his courage until the swimming scene where he beats Anton. This is not only a symbol of hope but deepens the audience’s understanding of the meaning of the story through the many camera techniques and dialogue used by Niccol. From the start of Delirium, it’s made explicit by Oliver that Magdalena is some docile girl who’s eager to be cured. As the story progresses we notice a change in Magdalena’s attitude to the cure indicating a sign of rebellion and courage. It’s when she meets Alex that all of a sudden she turns into a risk taker, willing to fight for anything “Find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go” (Oliver, 2011). Magdalena’s ability in lying to Carol is significant in exploring how her courage has evolved considering beforehand Lena could never lie to anyone. As a result, we see Lena lie to Carol about the raid despite the pain she’s feeling from the dog bite, “it’s easier to lie when I’m not staring in her eyes,” (Oliver, 2011). This was the turning point of Lena’s character as she’s no longer some complies with conformity, but now disregards it and as a result, because more of a risk taker through

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