ACA Code Of Ethics Case Study

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In selecting participants, some legal or ethical issues that will be considered would be to screen potential embers to determine whether any of them should be excluded (Remley & Herlihy, 2016). Counselors should pick members who have the same needs and goals and who are compatible with the group (ACA, 2014). Potential members who should be excluded are those who dominant group time, are aggressive when interacting with other or in a state of severe crisis (Remley & Herlihy, 2016). Counselors have a responsibility to protect group members from any type of harm such as emotional, physical or psychological trauma. The ACA code of ethics (2014), section A.9.b, counselors in group setting take precautions to protect clients from any harm. Another issue will be confidentiality, counselor must inform the client that they cannot guarantee confidentiality, counselor must inform the client that they cannot guarantee …show more content…

According to the ACA code of ethics (2014), section A.2.b, counselors explain the nature of all services provided. In section A.2.a, informed consent, the client has the right to choose if they want to enter into or remain in a counseling relationship. Counselors have a responsibility to go over the writing and verbally with the members the right and responsibility of both the role of the counselor and members. Explain to potential participants while the counselor will maintain confidentiality it is no guaranteed the members in the group

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