Academic Honesty Policy In Seneca College And Conestoga College

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Pat Currie and Alastair Pennycook (2012)said that plagiarism has been found that an academically serious problem around North America, which causes negative consequences for all kind ofacademy(as cited in Nall & Gherwash, 2012). It indicates many post-secondary institutions should consider how to handle this issue to acquire the best result through teaching.They have made policies and have punished offenders. Seneca college and Conestoga College were chosen to know about it.While there are differences in the policiesbetween them, writing about other’s works using your own words is one of the most important aspects of academic integrity.
According to the preamble of Academic Honesty Policy in Seneca (Senseca-School of information &Communications Technology, 2015), “Students at Seneca College are expected to be honest and fortright in their academic endeavors.”. Plagiarism is deifined as a unacceptable mistake or action. If there were decisive factors that proved falsified results and process,like using or borrowing other’s hypothesis, method and results without suitable citations, they might be regarded whether they are accused as anoffender. …show more content…

Even if sharing specific intelligence was asked, they have to try not to give it directly and all of it. Also they should recognize disadvantages will be given when there are evidences of guilty, which might bring about irreparable consequences.Seneca advices there are 3 stages of penalties. A “0” score is marked for new plagiarist. Second stage seems to be more serious, if the offence is committed again, suspenstion for more than 3 terms will be given. Students are prorogued from Seneca for 2 years in fianal