Accountability Bridge Model: School Counselor Case Study

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Using the accountability bridge model, the school counselor was able to identify needs, create goals, plan, implement, refine, and assess the program (Astramovich & Coker, 2007). In addition the school counselor was able to receive feedback by communicating results with stakeholders, thereby, being able to start the strategic planning process and needs assessment over again (Astramovich & Coker, 2007). In addition, through the use of pre- and post-tests with the students, the counselor was able to show that improvements were made in the academic, social and emotional, and career domains. The pre-test and post-test data showed that students gained more information when they were actively engaged in an activity as opposed to just doing worksheets. For instance, during the academic domain lessons in study …show more content…

However, some students discussed how their parents’ did not understand what the student was doing when they tried to set up a better study environment at home. Thus, an improvement could be made by giving the students homework to share with their parents in order have parents support the students new skills at home. The social and emotional domain lessons in peer conflict resolution and problem solving and respect for self and others showed improvements. The peer conflict resolution and problem solving lesson showed a large improvement. Observations showed that students continued to use “I” messages and the hula hoop break the chain game showed very positive feedback. The respect for self and others lesson showed student improvement, but older students wanted to know how to be caring of others’ differences. The school counselor could make the lesson more in-depth for older grades. In addition, students referral rates decreased. While there were improvements in the career domain, this was identified as the least improved