Annotated Bibliography

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Schools as Critical Settings for Mental and Behavioral Health Efforts in the United States: Key Initiatives for Substantive Impact. This article is about a nationwide investment in mental and behavioral health (MBH) prevention efforts within the public school system in the United States. It emphasizes the critical role of educational leadership and counseling in addressing the mental and behavioral health and well-being of students. The article proposes three key initiatives using the multi-tiered support system (MTSS) public health model: universal access to high-quality pre-kindergarten, universal evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) across all grades, and universal MBH screening accompanied by tiered targeted and intensive …show more content…

The article examines the transformation of the school counseling program at Mount Baker High School over a period of over six years, focusing on addressing students’ mental and behavioral health needs. Through a data-driven, decision-making, and the implementation of a comprehensive guidance program, the counselors aimed to improve student outcomes. They recognized the importance of identifying and addressing underlying barriers to learning, such as social isolation, anxiety and depression. By providing targeted interventions, counseling groups, and collaboration with community agencies, the counselors sought to enhance student well-being and academic achievement. Today, students face various social, emotional, and psychological challenges and schools must prioritize mental health support to ensure student development and academic success. The strategies outlined in the article offer valuable insights for educational leaders and counselors dealing with similar issues worldwide. By addressing the mental health needs of students effectively, schools can contribute to helping with societal problems related to mental illness, substance abuse, and social …show more content…

It emphasizes the importance of understanding both individual protective factors, such as social skills (SS), and contextual protective factors, like school connectedness (SC), in mitigating emotional and behavioral difficulties (ED and BD) among adolescents. By employing Relational Developmental Systems Theory (RDST), the study explores how the interaction between students' personal strengths and the school environment can influence their mental well-being. It also highlights the significance of school counselors in implementing evidence-based interventions that focus on improving students' social skills and fostering a sense of school connectedness, ultimately contributing to their overall psychological wellness and academic success. This article discusses the critical role of school counselors in shaping a supportive and conducive school environment for students' mental and behavioral health. By recognizing the impact of both individual and contextual factors, educational leaders can prioritize the development of comprehensive counseling programs that address the diverse needs of students, especially those in urban schools facing environmental challenges. This