Action Learning Experience Paper

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The action learning process involves a facilitator, a real problem that is important, critical, and usually complex, a diverse problem-solving set, and a process that promotes curiosity, inquiry, reflection, and, ultimately a solution to the problem. The set Diamond Consultants was assigned to Accra Beach Hotel and Spa. The facilitator Mrs. Lynette Francis- Thornhill was very helpful and informative. She not only thoroughly inform the class about the topic of action learning, she also guide us along the way by asking questions about the information we have leant and made suggestions on possible question to ask and people to interview.
My action learning experience encompasses all of this it was also informative and interesting. In addition, it was also an exciting experience for me because this was the first time, I had ever heard about action learning and it is a very hand on process and a hands on learning style works best for me.
The problem presented by Accra Beach Hotel and Spa was absenteeism within the Food and Beverage department, this problem was critical because the hotel was losing …show more content…

I also had to rely heavily on the information I have learnt on my educational journey. My patience was tested a lot during the investigation stage of this course, at times I felt the set should have been further along than it was in terms of gathering the information. The skills that I have expanded on during this course will help me tremendously in my further both professionally as a manager and personally. I also realized; that I need to mature a lot more if I want to be an effective and efficient manager, my leadership style is very autocratic and this needs to change. While conducting interviews realized that the line staff at Accra Beach Hotel and Spa were not included in the decision making process and some of them wanted to be involved in the