Activity Based Intervention Strategies
Domain of Development: Social and Emotional
Functional & Generative Goal: To encourage peer interactions in the classroom setting.
Measure of Progressive /Assessment: Teacher will collect data by using a frequency chart throughout the daily routine Monday through Friday to account for how many times that Alek interacts with his peers.
Activity Based Intervention Strategy 1: Physical modeling Alek will observe his peers.
Routine Activity: At planning time Alek will plan with a friend each child will tell each other where he or she wants to work.
Michigan Early Childhood Standard: 3. Early Learning Expectation: Relationships with Others. Children develop healthy relationships with other children and adults. Demonstrate an increasing sense of belonging and awareness of their role as a member of a family, classroom, and community. 6. Show progress in
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Michigan Early Childhood Standard: 3. Early Learning Expectation: Relationships with Others. Children develop healthy relationships with other children and adults. Demonstrate an increasing sense of belonging and awareness of their role as a member of a family, classroom, and community. 6. Show progress in developing and keeping friendships.
Activity Based Intervention Strategy 2: Physical model will support Alek growth in social and emotional development.
Routine Activity: At clean up time Alek will clean up with a friend in the block area. If Alek need help putting the toys away the teacher will support Alek to reach up high to put the toys away.
Michigan Early Childhood Standard: 3. Early Learning Expectation: Relationships with Others. Children develop healthy relationships with other children and adults. Demonstrate an increasing sense of belonging and awareness of their role as a member of a family, classroom, and community. 6. Show progress in developing and keeping