Adaptations For Students With Disabilities In Inclusive Classrooms

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When having a classroom that has students with special needs it is important to modify class work, to have an IEP plan with goals for the students, and it is important that the students have a voice in the teaching practices.
In the article, Implementing Instructional Adaptations for Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms (Scott, Vitale and Masten, 1998), it talks about three objectives that teachers need to do so that all the students get the information they need to be successful. The first objective is the teacher must make the lesson plans interesting and effective for every student in the class. You need to make your students that have a learning disability desire to do the work, you can try to get extra support by having a …show more content…

In my grade 9 English class one of my classmates had Autism, he had an educational assistant that was with him most of the day. Depending on the activity that we were doing on the day sometimes he would be involved, or they would go to the library and focus on a more individualized learning approach. But when we did group work everyone made sure he was part of a group. Also, his knack was knowing the year that Disney movies came out so once a week the teacher or someone in the class would ask him when a couple of movies were made. Schools are better set up to implement these strategies now because there are modified classes and schools have student support teachers that help make sure that the students on their caseload are on track. From my past experiences of being in a classroom with students that had special needs, I have learned that there must be a mix of individualized material and group work because if the student only learns in one way then the student will lose whatever social skills they may have. It is important for the students to feel involved in the class because it helps boost morale and it makes them more motivated to try to do the work and get better at it. If a student goes into a classroom and doesn’t feel involved and at the same time does not get the content then they will not want to put in an effort, which could lead to attendance issues. It starts with the teacher and if the teacher is a good role model then the classmates will follow leading to a stronger commitment toward a reachable