Admission Essay: Just Like Water

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Admission Essay I would describe myself as water. Just like water, I am flexible and adaptable to fit in the environment I am in. This makes me realize that change isn’t nightmare for me. It challenges me to be a better form of myself. Admission to Prep is essential for my education development. The new environment and higher expectations in my work, will increase my social and educational pressure. In public schools, since there is a huge amount of students per class, the teacher doesn’t usually focus on one student. If I were to be in a private school, I would know for sure my education would boost a lot mostly because I will be in a class with very little students and will be seen in class. I am very eager to face these new challenges in pushing myself to be the best I can possibly be. …show more content…

I have been very innovative in years past. For example, every summer, I go to a camp called iaab (Iranian Alliances across Borders.) Iaab has really made me the person I have become today because it has boosted my confidents a lot. In this camp, every day we go through obstacles to get to our final destination. One obstacle we had to do was get to the other side of a road by only using four sheets of paper. There were 8 people in my group, and we could not step in the ground. If we did, we had to restart. Now being the person I am, I thought of a brilliant idea on how to make it across. I said to have to people on each paper except for the two front people. They had three people on one paper. I then said to place the extra paper on the ground and everyone walked to the next paper in front of them. We then just repeated the same thing and made it to the other side of the