Against Standardized Testing Essay

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For years standardized testing has been the scary end of the school year test. Some are against this form of testing, and others believe it is a well needed program. Some people don’t quite understand why it’s so important. Standardized testing is definitely a needed test in schools because it shows what the students know, it gives an idea on what the schools and individual students can improve on, and it gives the kids a reason to pay attention.
Using standardized testing shows the school as a whole what their students know. These tests measure on the important topics the students were supposed to learn throughout the year and the subjects these students will need to know to progress onto the next grade level. It tests their knowledge and …show more content…

There really is no point in paying attention if there’s nothing to work towards. These students will know that they have a final to work towards, and need to know the information being taught to them to be able to successfully pass the standardized test. “When students can see their progress toward attaining standards, moreover, undue pressure can be mitigated and their incremental progress may motivate them.” When students do good on assignments or so say the annual test at the end of the year, it motivates them and tells them that they actually can do it. Causing the student to thrive in what they are bound to achieve. ¨These constructive activities encourage students to concentrate on meeting standards and monitoring their own time and progress - skills important for not only increased achievement but also increased success in life.¨ These standardized tests are made of a big deal, therefore, encouraging students to make sure they get required scores. If they are a dedicated enough student they will make time to study so they won't fail the end of the year test. The time taken to prepare for these tests, even class time go towards the amount of success that individual student will have in their own lifetime. With students having requirements to meet, it encourages them to meet the standards for later