Analysis Of Scott Adams 'Heady Thrill Of Having Nothing To Do'

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In the essay The Heady Thrill of Having Nothing to Do, author Scott Adams claims that lack of boredom is directly related to lack of creativity. I agree wholeheartedly with this argument. Constant stimulation is causing lack of creativity by eliminating the search for amusement, making us passive thinkers, and by not allowing our minds to wander.
Being able to create amusement with our own thoughts and actions alone is very important. This is where creativity and innovation flourishes. With so many products catering to our every need and desire, it’s easy to forget how to meet those needs without a crutch. This is normal in today’s world, in fact I believe it always has been the norm. It’s simply human nature to seek out amusement in the most convenient way possible. Today, we don’t even have to leave the house, for the amusement is in our homes and in our pockets. If we never have to depend on our own brains to create amusement, how will we ever discover new things about ourselves and our creative potential? …show more content…

Large quantities of information is being thrown at us without allowing us time to process it, or to form our own ideas and opinions. This has become quite apparent in my own life when it comes to writing music. I notice it’s more difficult to come up with creative, original ideas when I’ve been listening to music heavily at the time. Almost every idea I try to develop ends up being influenced by other artists and songs. We see the same thing happening in politics, religion, and other argumentative subjects. It’s far easier for people to choose a side than to create their