
Analysis: Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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College athletics have tremendously gained popularity over Americans throughout the United States. Athletes make huge profits for their Universities, most of which go to coaches and stadiums. Athletes deserve to get payed for their hard work and dedication. The issue of what rewards college football players and athletes should be beyond their basic scholarship is strongly debated. College football players put their bodies on the line every game and practice their involved in.“If the students truly were the top priority, the NCAA would find some method of paying them. The idea that colleges owe the athletes nothing is fundamentally wrong. And if, as the NCAA maintains, its athletes shouldn't be paid because they are "amateurs," then it needs to stop allowing their schedules to be dominated by the sports that they won't be compensated for.” by Richard Sherman. Not only do athletes work hard in their practices with all the extra time in each …show more content…

Colleges are using their athletes to make a respective reputation and bring in lots of money, which none of it goes to the athletes. Scholarships are great but there not enough for an athlete. Scholarships do not cover all expenses and football athletes or any athlete do not have time to work to pay off their growing debt (Griffin 18). The student athlete absolutely does not have time to get a job so why not pay them for the work they put in to make their college lots of money."Yes. Having to take care of my family, it would have made a difference if I'd have gotten paid," Clowney said on "Jim Rome" on Showtime. "If I would have had the chance to take care of my family through college, I would have probably stayed in college." by Jadeveon Clowney. The fact that scholarships do not cover enough for every NCAA athlete is the only reason needed to know why college football athletes need and should get

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