
Animal Testing On Animals Essay

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The aim of this paper is to analyse and compare cosmetic brands that are testing on animals and those who are not. It contains a first part about the ethical question of why companies test on animals. Secondly, there is an explication on what can be done against animal testing. Finally, the companies that use or do not use animal testing are mentioned. To conclude, a recommendation will be given on how they can prevent animal testing in the future. This paper only discusses different cosmetic companies who import their cosmetics to Europe and China.
Why do companies test on animals?

To begin with, companies only have 2 reasons to test on animals. Firstly, a lot of companies test on animals because they want to improve their ingredients or develop new ingredients. Every product has safety regulations before it can be sold, the results and ingredients of every completed animal test …show more content…

On the other hand companies like Dermalogica and Juice Beauty can now proudly announce that they do not test on animals and they are not selling on the Chinese market. The Chinese government needs to ban animal testing on cosmetic products before these companies will start selling their products on the Chinese markets again. (Global animal, 2016)

I would strongly recommend the companies that test on animals, to use the data that already exists instead of conducting the same tests again. In case they want to develop new ingredients they need to use alternative methods instead of animal tests. Another way towards a free animal testing world is to reward companies that do not test on animals and advertise more about the fact that they do not abuse animals. Another solution would be to confront customers on television or in popular magazines for women with the disturbing images about animal

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