Anne Frank And Louise Ogawa's Dear Miss Breed

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Pretend that you are in a championship basketball game. Your team is down by two and all you need is a layup or shot to tie the game, and then you go into overtime. You put up a shot and it misses, your team starts to blame you that they lost the game, but it wasn’t your fault. It is all a team effort and that last shot just came down to you. This is how conflict starts, over the little things in life. There are many people who have a positive attitude but I am only going to mention two, Anne Frank and Louise Ogawa from Dear Miss. Breed. Both of these girls looked at the conflict from a different angle and then solve the situation. First off, Anne Frank keeps a positive attitude in her diary. She tells us that when she goes into hiding in the Annex, which is damp and lopsided, she tries to cheer herself up more by putting her entire postcard and movie-star collection on the walls in her bedroom(Frank paragraph 20). She also says that the Annex never going to feel like home, but she thinks that it’s just like a vacation only in some strange pension (Frank paragraph 19). With Anne Frank having a positive attitude during conflict, she shows that when looking at a problem at a different angle you can solve the problem fast. This shows that positive …show more content…

She tells us in her letter that their camp is awful. Even though she is going through a very rough time, she still maintains a positive attitude. She says that one day she had to ate rice, weenies, and cabbage with a knife; instead of complaining, she thinks of it as a new experience (Oppenheim paragraph 23). Also towards the end of her letter she says that there is no water on Sundays and the electricity is turned off between 6:00 A.M and 6:00 P.M. She still has a positive attitude and says that she had never realized how important water is(Oppenheim paragraph 28). Even though Louise is going through lots of conflicts, she still has a positive