
Anne Frank Research Paper

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“A voice sobbs within me: “There you are, that’s what’s become of you: your uncharitable, you look superstitious and peevish, people dislike you and all because you won't listen to the advice given you by your own better half.”” (page 284) Anne Frank : The diary of a young girl by Anne frank is a biography. In the form of a teenage girl’s diary during the time of the holocaust. In Anne Frank’s diary anne goes into hiding, sped up because her sister Margot got a calling. Anne spends 2 years of her life, age 13 to 15 in hiding. And during that time she gets abused and dejected. So she starts to revise her personality, and falls in love will a fellow person in hiding. Peter. I believe Anne frank’s diary shows that in hard situations even the worst …show more content…

One example is how Anne when Peter and Anne fell in love. Then Anne felt as if a new Anne came out, not wanting to be childish, but wanted to be gentle and loving. One page 232 it says “ Then suddenly the ordinary Anne slipped away and a second Anne took her place, a second Anne who is not reckless and jocular, but one who just wants to love and be gentle.” This shows that Anne, when loved to that extent was turning from a childish Anne to a loving mature Anne. Another example is how when Anne starts to talk more with peter. So she begins to see the annex more as wonderful, and her life bettering. On page 196 it says “In the meantime it’s getting more and more wonderful here. I believe, Kitty that we may have a great love in the secret annex.” So, the love Peter emits on to her is changing her outlook on life, and her attitude, for the better. From these examples, it is clear that when Anne is loved it changes her personality. Her attitude, and her outlook on …show more content…

This is clear when Anne has to make a sacrifice, by sharing a room with Dussel. She put up with how he got the bigger bed, how he bossed her around. On page 59 it says “As I have unusual good fortune (!) to share my bedroom - alas, a small one- with his lordship… I have a lot to put up with and have to pretend to be deaf in order to escape the old, much - repeated tickings-off and warnings.” This shows that Anne changed into a better person; by simply putting up with all Dussel’s actions. When she was the one to make the sacrifice. Another example is that Anne had to sacrifice her friends, her boyfriend and her home to go into hiding. On page 15 is says that “ I was more frightened than ever and began to cry. Margot is 16; would they really take girls of that age alone? But thank goodness that she won’t have to go, Mummy said so herself ; that must be what daddy meant by going into hiding.” This means that Anne had to give up many things for the safety of her family. To go into hiding for who knew how long at that time, and during the annex she changed into a more mature and kind person. As you can see, the many sacrifices that Anne had to make changed her in a positive

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