
Apple Stock On The Nasdaq Essay

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The stock I chose to write about is Apple, and is traded on the NASDAQ. The symbol for Apple on the NASDAQ is AAPL. I searched the Internet and found a complete history of Apples stock on NASDAQ.com. This information starts on December 12th 2005, and can be downloaded in excel format. (NASDAQ.com) Looking through the history of Apples stock, I had a hard time finding major fluctuations to concrete on and research. So I choose a well known even in the life of Apple. This event is the passing of an icon, an innovator, and the voice and face of Apple. Steve Jobs death shook the foundations of Apple and all who loved the products and innovation. I figured, Mr. Jobs Passing would surely be seen in the stocks on the NASDAQ. Steve Jobs died on October 5th 2011 at age of 56 from his cancer. (Griggs)
On the day of his passing the stock closed at 54.0357, and then took a huge jump reaching as high as 60 in the following week of his death. Then before the month was out Apple stock dipped to 53. In December it climbs and makes a massive climb to the 90’s when closing in April. …show more content…

There closing pieces remained very steady. What I believe happened to apples stock is a collection of things. One, the death of apples co-founder and CEO. The Media coverage of his death, and it was all anyone could talk about for a while. This type of, and I hate to say it, advertisement, did a lot for apples stock. The death of Steve Jobs, made apple very famous. The Movie Jobs was made, and many books came out about Steve Jobs. The interest in Mr. Job’s life and who he was also has had great impact on the

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