Argumentative Essay: Gun Control Laws And Domestic Violence

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“Yes, people pull the trigger but guns are the instrument of death. Gun control is necessary, and delay means more death and horror.” (Eliot Spitzer) People are mostly 50/50 about gun control laws. Gun violence is unnecessary ,there has been one to many mass-shootings. Columbine high school in 1999, Texas 1991, California 2015. All these shooting all over the United States. Gun violence is generally the problem. Guns being misused, guns being used to hurt others or themselves. Gun control laws should be enforced because it will lead to less suicides, less money being spent on gun related accidents, and to protect women from domestic violence.
Gun control laws should be enforced because it will lead to fewer suicides. “About half of all suicides are committed with guns, seven in 10 men, who also account for 74%of gun owners in the country” (Pew Research Center) If we enforce the gun …show more content…

To many people are killing themselves with guns. A Little more than half of suicides are done with guns. Making it harder for someone who is not mentally stable to own a gun or someone who will inflict pain on themselves to get a gun. The amount of money that is spent on gun related accidents can decrease if the gun laws were enforced. In theory if the numbers of gun violence drop, taxpayers will be paying less in taxes. Women are the main victims when it comes to domestic violence and by enforcing the gun laws the numbers of death from a domestic relationship will drop. The significance of enforcing the gun laws is to make the rate of gun related violence to go down by making sure anyone who is trying to buy a weapon is not going to do anything illegal with it. It is just to ensure that those who have a gun are not inquired hurt their loved