Argumentative Essay On Animal Testing

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The rights of animals and their use in biomedical research have been controversial topics with huge societal implications over an extensive period of time (Gannon, 2007). Many animal rights activists claim that all research involving animals should be abolished (Gannon, 2007). On the other hand, countless scientists insist that some experiments require the use of animals and any eliminating or regulating animal testing would impede on their research (Gannon, 2007). Furthermore, It has been estimated nearly 100-150 million vertebrate animals, including mice, rats, birds, fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, farm animals, dogs, cats, and nonhuman primates, are used in animal testing annually worldwide (“,” 2010). These animals are used in an effort to test for the safety and efficacy of products for humans. …show more content…

However, both organizations reported that animal tests have 92% failure rate on predicting the safety and effectiveness of medicines (“,” 2010). In most of times, animal testing includes: pain, discomfort, and anxiety which ultimately leading animals to being killed or euthanized (“,” 2010). Attempting to defend the rights of animals might seems as a challenging task, since the custom of animal testing have been used in past decades without doubt it. But however, a middle ground must be established that to avoid cruel and unnecessary abuse of animals while accepting in biomedical research (Gannon,