Argumentative Essay On Gun Control In America

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Gun Control in America
Gun Control is when you keep firearms and firearm related products away from the people in the form of legislation. Many people think that gun control is right because they think keeping people away from guns will reduce the amount of deaths per year. Also whenever people hear the word gun, the thoughts are of violence and negativity. Many people, myself included think gun control is wrong because we know that it is not necessary, since we know that guns were not involved in many of the deaths caused each year. Also that it is not the gun to blame but the person using it as a tool to inflict evil upon others. While many other people disagree and think it is good because of the safety for others. In this essay, it will …show more content…

The same thought of murdered children that would naturally lead people to support the death penalty has also led politicians, pundits, and other Americans to clamor for more gun restrictions. This happens every single time there is a public shooting that becomes a national tragedy. But it’s demonstrably wrongheaded—and potentially deadly. People try to make a comparison to certain countries like Sweden and Switzerland, for instance, on how their gun control policies work. The problem with this statement, is that they may work to an extent, in that country, but they are not the U.S. Every country is different with different ideologies and thinking. Even that can be broken down into smaller parts for the U.S itself with states. The thinking of people in Seattle are completely different of the thinking in Dallas or even Salt Lake City. With that being said, it then, can be broken down even smaller. The thinking of the people in Seattle is vastly different then the people of Spokane. One person’s thinking of a policy or legislation are completely different then their neighbors and you can’t group everyone into a single category by where they live. In short, one man’s thinking in Spokane Washington is different than one man’s thinking in Canada or