Argumentative Essay On Standardized Testing

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For as long as I can remember I’ve been taking standardized test, from the first day I started school here in the US. My English wasn’t even that well, and I didn’t understand the concept of the test. English and reading was especially hard for me since I don’t know how to read and write. I understand that I’m taking these tests to know the level I’m in. As I continued taking these tests they compare my score and see if there is any progress. These are helpful because teachers can determine how to help individual students. Standardized testing has been used for decades, to see where each students stand with their academic. Although standardized testing is to see and evaluate students performance, and how well they process what is a being taught, it also raise many issues such as one test …show more content…

Preparing for test took time away from other learning activities, stated in an article written by Mulholland Quinn. The amount of time given for preparation might eased some students but when it comes to the real deal it can stress students out. These prep time might be great, but it’s taking away other classes that are not on the tests. By taking this path, it takes focus off from learning and experimenting new things. This statement is proven in the article by Quinn. Saying, “71 percent of school districts cut back on history and fun class, and focus on test subject.” This can take away student’s creativity and their ability to think outside of the box. “Testing causes students to become disengaged at school.” State AFT (second largest teacher union). The article by Mulholland, Quinn also stated that states spend large amount of money for testing. Overall, not only did testing take away time and fun activities but it also cost school a lot of money. School can use those money and time to come up with way they can improve their students needs and requirements to be