BELA Core Values

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Ethical business practices remains to be the core for a successful future in the corporate world. Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA), founded in 2008, was built on a strong code of business ethics. The four core values implemented include: (1) legal compliance. (2) transparency, (3) identification of conflicts of interest, and (4) accountability (Ghillyer, 2014). BELA was designed to motivate business leaders to operate on ethical standards; however, there is skepticism of the intentions from this new alliance (Ghillyer, 2014). Core Values The first core value is legal compliance and is a widely enforced value in the workplace today. Larger corporations find it hard to comply, due to inconsistencies, throughout the corporate structure. There is an increasing emphasis placed on businesses to integrate compliance and meet government guidelines. In addition, the reputation of any company is based on its ability to comply with the rules and regulations while meeting the expectations of its shareholders (Levy, 2015). The second core value BELA integrates is transparency and this value has many …show more content…

However, in the case of BELA, I believe, this is not an issue. If BELA just brought in credible companies with proven ethics many consumers would not pay much attention. By adding companies with past transgression, however, it shows to the consumer that companies heard their complaints and issues. Furthermore, companies will now work to improve business practices by complying with more stringent checks and balances. In addition, I believe if benchmarks are set for companies and criteria have to be met this alliance is a step in the right direction, no matter what the motive. When benchmarks are not met, business must be held accountable. It is important for measures to firmly be in place, and then both businesses and consumers benefit (Ghillyer,