Bemis Personality Assessment Report

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Reflection of Assessment Results As I am reading the results of my BeMIS Personality Assessment report, I am amazed at the accuracy of the assessment. It is interesting how the assessment breaks each topic into present and preferred sections. This breakdown allows me to see what areas in my personality could be improved. For example, I could try to have more of an optimistic outlook on life, instead of being pessimistic all the time. The assessment was on point with my personality and how I interact with my environment. I admit, I was skeptical about taking the assessment at first, however once I received my results I was convinced the assessment is a good predictor of personality. My skepticism jumped my thinking when I was looking at the items to check off. What if I checked off one of the personality traits because I was feeling a certain way that day? For example, if I worked all day and then took the assessment I might …show more content…

The BeMIS Personality Assessment has been proven to be an indicator that measures aspects of personality disorders such as, schizoid, schizotypal, and paranoid types. Clinicians can use assessment results to their advantage by indicating predictors of personality disorders. The BeMIS has been shown to be consistent with other personality inventories, such as the MMPI, NEO-PI, and inventory of interpersonal problems. Clinicians will be able to use multiple assessments to form a conclusive diagnosis. Using the BeMIS assessment results to inform a diagnosis runs great risks since external factors and participants awareness are unknown. Self-report assessments possess the possibility of response bias and test taking attitudes. Clinicians will use the results to inform a diagnosis when participants may have been untruthful when taking the assessment (Craig, 2005). It is essential clinicians use assessment results with caution when making conclusions for a